Thursday, November 28, 2013

What Five Years It Has Been, Obama's Record Of Destruction And Failure

Just In Time For Thanksgiving: Obama Exposes Roswell And Area 51 Secrets!

November 28, 2013 by  
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Hello, I’m Wayne Allyn Root. Happy Thanksgiving to all my friends and readers at Personal Liberty. If you’re a poll watcher like I am, Christmas has come early. Have you seen the poll numbers? Barack Obama’s ratings are lower than a crackhead. Literally. Obama’s popularity has fallen below the crack-smoking Mayor of Toronto, Rob Ford.
Obama’s ratings are so low, even MSNBC won’t take his calls. Obama’s ratings are so low, even Nancy Pelosi is removing the Obama bumper sticker from her limo.
Obama’s ratings are so low, senior citizens want Millard Fillmore back. Obama’s ratings are so low, Jimmy Carter is back in vogue. Obama’s ratings are so low, he called Hillary Clinton for advice, and she hung up.
Obama has sunk so low, he was caught asking Chris Christie for a pardon.
So knowing how the Chicago thugs in the White House operate, it’s time for “the big reveal.” It’s time for the “nuclear option” of all distractions. It’s time to induce hysteria. It’s time to make the National Enquirer jealous. It’s time for Obama to expose the secrets of Roswell and Area 51. It’s time for Obama to pull out the spaceships, aliens and gamma-ray guns. We are Rome… so it’s time for bread and circuses!
Obama’s legacy has turned to crap. Everyone now knows the emperor has no clothes. Obama has been exposed as a liar, fraud and charlatan. The Chicago thugs in the White House can’t allow that! Obama promised “free healthcare” and price reductions. Instead, we got massive new price increases that will bankrupt millions of Americans, force businesses to close and kill more jobs.
He famously promised, “If you like your insurance, you can keep your insurance.” Millions have lost their policies. By next year, it could be 100 million (or more). He promised our quality of care would not be affected. Yet doctors are retiring by the thousands, and we’ve added 30 million patients.
Five million Americans have already lost their insurance, while only 100,000 have signed up for Obamacare. Five signed up in Washington, D.C. Five. In Obama country. And the website is defective. Everyone now realizes this is a man who spent hundreds of millions to build a website… that doesn’t work. We just put that same guy in charge of your grandmother’s cancer surgery? Oh vey.
Americans are finally waking up to the reality that “We wuz robbed.” Someone obviously has a few hundred million dollars of our taxpayer money in a Swiss bank account. The FBI might want to start with Michelle Obama’s Princeton Black Alumni buddy.
Then there are Obama’s economic promises. His success there makes Obamacare look like a raving success. More Americans get government entitlement checks than are working in the private sector. More Americans are on food stamps than the population of Spain. Twice as many Americans now live in poverty under Obama, as the population of Syria. Fifty-seven percent of all the children in America are either living in poverty or defined as low income. Almost 50 percent of Americans have less than $500 in savings. And let’s not forget the debt just went up $328 billion in one day — that’s more than the budget deficit for the entire year 2007 under George W. Bush.
The jobs picture looks even worse than Obama’s economy. Three years ago, my quote made headlines in TIME magazine. I said: “Obama is the great jobs killer. He’s so good at killing jobs, he should be at the top of the FBI’s Most Wanted List.” Even I had no clue how right I’d turn out to be.
More than 100 million working-age Americans are no longer working. Food stamp growth is 75 times higher than job growth. The workforce participation rate is the lowest in modern history. Black unemployment is at 14 percent. Almost half of black teens are unemployed. And more than 80 percent of the jobs created since Jan. 1 are crummy, crappy part-time jobs. How bad is the Obama economy? Bangladesh is throwing an “Aid America” concert.
Then there are the nonstop scandals. And I mean serious scandals. Any one of them would force a President Richard Nixon out of office. Obama owns all of them.
Benghazi: More absurd lies than Obamacare, a possible arms deal with rebels gone bad and the cover-up of murder.
Fast and Furious: Another government arms deal gone bad, responsibility for the murder of a U.S. border guard, another blatant cover-up.
The National Security Agency scandal: Obama listens in to all of our calls. I hope he’s listening to mine. He’ll hear the word impeachment come up in every sentence.
The Associated Press scandal: Obama and paranoid buddies like Eric Holder are even illegally spying on their adoring Kool-Aid-drinking friends in the media.
The IRS scandal: To get re-elected, the Obama Administration sicced the IRS on Tea Party groups, conservative fundraisers and outspoken critics of Obama (like me). Their goal was to kill the political opposition, silence free speech and intimidate critics. These guys put the “thug” in Chicago!
The Census Bureau scandal: It appears government employees faked the unemployment numbers in the weeks leading up to the election to re-elect a President who wouldn’t know what a job looked like, if it hit him in the face.
Oh, and let’s not forget Obamacare: The world’s first trillion-dollar Ponzi Scheme perpetrated with lies, misrepresentations and pure fraud by a late night Ginsu knife salesman named Obama.
Clearly, Obama has to change the conversation away from his record. Clearly it’s time for the “weapons of mass distraction.” It’s time to pull out Roswell and Area 51. Aliens and spaceships should do the trick. It will take something that big to distract the public in time for the holidays.
Just understand what comes next. While Americans are watching the aliens, Obama will totally destroy what is left of the economy, the private sector, the American dream, American exceptionalism, Judeo-Christian values and our relationship with Israel.
In other words, he’ll finish the job.
I’m Wayne Allyn Root for Personal Liberty. God bless and happy Thanksgiving to you and your families. Let’s give thanks for the greatest Nation God ever created — while we still have it.

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