Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Where Are The ObamaCrapCare Success Stories--Democrats Are Looking For Them. Can't Wait To Hear This Onslaught After Thanksgiving!

Dems Frantically Look For Obamacare Success Stories

November 26, 2013 by  
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Democratic lawmakers have been instructed to use the holiday break as an opportunity to locate Obamacare success stories and “aggressively publicize them so that people can see the law is delivering on its promise.”
According to the Washington Post, the memo was produced by the Senate Democratic Policy and Communications Committee, a messaging apparatus for Senate Democrats.
At the same time, Republican lawmakers have undertaken the opposite—and likely easier—task of locating Americans negatively affected by Obamacare.
Acknowledging the pressure from that political fallout, Democrats are making a concerted effort to find people and places the law is working for in an effort to counter GOP attacks. Top Senate Democrats began asking rank-and-file senators this week to use the Thanksgiving recess to identify constituents benefiting from the new law in hopes of exploiting those examples when the Senate reconvenes in two weeks.
The political blowback from the troubled launch of the federal Web site has been especially concerning to Senate Democrats, who have been divided on how to deal with the implementation missteps. In addition to the functionality troubles of HealthCare.gov, millions of Americans have been getting cancellation notices about current health plans which fail to meet new standards set by the law. Those notices are a direct contradiction of the promise Obama made as the law was being debated in Congress and the country; he repeatedly said that people who liked the health insurance they had could keep it. The cancellations have been a political boon to Republicans.
Meanwhile, the White House is begging Obamacare allies to limit promotion of the Healthcare.gov website over the holidays to avoid a spike in interest, and web traffic, that would crash the website.
We want to make sure that those who are reaching consumers at scale know that this isn’t like you flip the switch and everyone can come back on the first day,” an administration official told Talking Points Memo.
Obama officials hope that a less publicized launch of HealthCare.gov next week when the site becomes fully operational will minimize attention to any problems that may remain.

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