Monday, November 25, 2013

Will Our Representatives Really Challenge Obama On Iran Deal? Do They Have The Guts? Is This Grandstanding Or Real?

Graham: Senate Will Challenge White House on Iran Deal

Image: Graham: Senate Will Challenge White House on Iran Deal
Monday, 25 Nov 2013 01:31 PM
By Audrey Hudson
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Sen. Lindsey Graham said Monday that despite the Obama administration's interim deal with Iran the Senate would pass a bipartisan measure forcing sanctions against the rogue nation until its nuclear capability has been completely dismantled.

According to The Washington Free Beacon, the South Carolina Republican said on CNN's "New Day" that sanctions will come out of Congress in the next couple of weeks to ensure Iran dismantles its reactor rather than suspends construction as the deal requires.

"You stop enrichment, not just pause it," Graham said.

"Right now, the interim deal leaves their capability totally intact. The new round of sanctions will be focusing on the end game, and it is coming soon," Graham said.

Graham is the latest in a growing line of Republicans and Democrats on Capitol Hill who oppose the deal with Iran, which requires the country to curtail its nuclear program in exchange for billions of dollars in aid that would flow without sanctions.

The Obama administration has warned Congress not to move ahead with sanctions, but Graham's statement is the strongest yet that lawmakers are not willing to let the White House deal stand.

"This deal doesn't represent the fact that we are dealing with some of the most thuggish people in the world," Graham said.

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