Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Will Senate Allow Obama To Live Up To His Promise? Only If They Want To Win The House.

House GOP Attempts To Help Obama Honor His ‘Keep Your Healthcare’ Promise

November 6, 2013 by  
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On Wednesday, House Republicans moved to forcefully give President Barack Obama a chance to make good on his infamous promise that Americans happy with their current healthcare coverage could retain that coverage under Obamacare.
The lower chamber will has scheduled a vote next week on the Keep Your Health Plan Act (HR 3350), which was introduced last week Representative Fred Upton (R-Mich.) with the backing of more than two dozen other GOP lawmakers. The bill currently has 88 co-sponsors.
In a Nov. 4 USA Today op-ed, Upton wrote: “The ‘Keep Your Health Plan Act’ is a simple, sensible solution that would allow health plans being offered today to continue into next year. Particularly as consumers struggle with the error-prone online enrollment process, the Keep Your Health Plan Act is a voluntary escape hatch that would give added flexibility for Americans who truly want to keep the plan they have.
“Implementation of the president’s health care law has generated confusion and concern. That’s not what health reform should be about. Americans deserve to know that in times of need, they will have the coverage and care that they want, need and can afford.”
Some Democrats, including the authors of a similar bill Senators Mary Landireu (D-La.) and Joe Manchin, have also expressed support for the Upton effort.

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