Monday, December 2, 2013

All Supporters Of ObamaCrapCare Should Have To Listen to This Sad Story. We, As A Nation, Should Be Embarrassed That One Of Our Citizens Faces These Problems.

Mother Of Chronically Sick Kids Posts Video, Says ObamaCare Costs Destroying Her Family

Mother Of Chronically Sick Kids Posts Video, Says ObamaCare Costs Destroying Her Family

The affordable care act isn’t affordable and isn’t providing quality care. Pattie Curran, a mother who describes herself as a “Catholic Tea Party hippie,” posted a video to YouTube that listed all the ways ObamaCare has made taking care of herself and her family more expensive, particularly her children who suffer from chronic illnesses. But four months after posting the video, she tweeted it out again and made it clear that all of her concerns still remained.
In the video, Curran said her deductible has increased by $50 over the previous five years, but increased by $1,200 since ObamaCare. The copay for her son’s kidney condition has now quadrupled in cost and the copay for one of her children’s blood medication has increase by 100%. Curran also claims her own annual medication copays have doubled, while much of the medical equipment she uses now has a “medical device tax” on it.
But for all of this increased cost, Curran said the number of services she has access to have decreased. The mother said her FLEX spending was reduced in half and noted a general reduction in staff at her local hospital due to layoffs.
All of this certainly explains why the White House has had difficulty in getting people to register for the Affordable Care Act, initial website glitches notwithstanding. The White House hoped to have 800,000 people registered for ObamaCare by the end of November, but just over 100,000 people have signed up for the plan through
(Photo: Reuters)

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