Thursday, December 26, 2013

An Initial Lie Falls From The Lips Very Easily, However, It Is The Latter Lies To Explain The First That Become Impossible. Whose Memory Is So Good They Can Remember All Their Lies. Telling The Truth Is Much Easier--Regardless How Hard It Is At The Time!

When a child tells a lie and then has to tell another and another to cover up the initial one, he or she soon learns that it is much easier to admit the truth in the beginning. However, it seems that our President never learned that lesson and that his life has been one where he was never held responsible for the "whoppers" he told.

Even today with dropping approval numbers, he cannot seem to understand that his signature program is being doomed by the lies he told to get it passed.  "If you like...." was the mantra, no one in the media challenged him on its veracity, none of his advisers suggested that he should not repeat this time and again and those of us who knew he was wrong were demeaned and scorned as "anti-progress" idiots who didn't understand the grand plan.

Now that millions have lost their individual insurance and next year when 80-100 million will lose their group coverage, the bloom is definitely off the "ObamaCrapCare" rose. Previously rabid supporters are now turning into skeptics and us "idiots" are able to sit back and smile.

On Christmas Eve, a group of our friends went out for dinner and a movie.  Most of these people had voted for Obama at least once and several twice. One of the main topics of dinner was the loss of coverage, how bad ObamaCare was and how much their prices had increased.They all thought that the program was the worst they had ever seen. All we could do was to smile in the knowledge that the worst was yet to come! 

Please understand that we do not enjoy seeing pain, however, when the American people are so easily hoodwinked by a slick, fast talking huckster, they deserve what they get. Most Conservatives knew that Obama would be a disaster.  Most agreed with Rush when he had said that he wanted Obama to fail. We did not want him to succeed and to "fundamentally change America." We did not want his plans to win. However, our intentions were intentionally misunderstood by the news media and the "Obama-idiots."

We still have a long battle. Obama has another three years to complete his plans and believe me, he is moving ahead at full speed. Republicans (of all stripes), Conservatives, and other patriots must unite and stop the infighting. We have to find  consensus candidates for which we can  support in the election of 2014 and most of all we need to stop the bickering, back-stabbing and name calling. We need to be united and to repeat the victories of 2010. Otherwise, expect the Democrats to win in 2014. And we will have guaranteed that win!

Should Obama and the Democrats control the House, Senate and White House, the President's agenda will be put on steroids and any hope of returning the country to what it was before his election, will be lost. We cannot let this happen.

We need to teach Obama a  lesson. His lies and deceits come at a cost. He should lose the 2014 election on the failure of ObamaCrapCare alone, however, a lot of lies can be told in the next eleven months and unless we are up for the battle, he will win and his lies will continue.

Conservative Tom

Falsehood Of The Tongue Leads To That Of The Heart

December 26, 2013 by  
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President Barack Obama’s entire narrative is a lie, so it’s not surprising that he would lie about his signature legislation from the time of its conception until it was finally exposed a few months ago. His “If you like your healthcare, you can keep it” even earned for him the title of the world’s bigger whopper by PolitiFact.
But the healthcare lie is just one of many told by the undocumented usurper currently occupying the people’s house. Lying, it seems, has become his first nature.
In a letter to Peter Carr, Thomas Jefferson wrote of the dangers of depending upon a lie in tough times:
Nothing is so mistaken as the supposition, that a person is to extricate himself from a difficulty, by intrigue, by chicanery, by dissimulation, by trimming, by an untruth, by an injustice. This increases the difficulties ten fold; and those who pursue these methods, get themselves so involved at length, that they can turn no way but their infamy becomes more exposed. It is of great importance to set a resolution, not to be shaken, never to tell an untruth. There is no vice so mean, so pitiful, so contemptible; and he who permits himself to tell a lie once, finds it much easier to do it a second and third time, till at length it becomes habitual; he tells lies without attending to it, and truths without the world’s believing him. This falsehood of the tongue leads to that of the heart, and in time depraves all its good dispositions.
Poll numbers show that most people now believe Obama has reached the point that his lies come without a second thought, and his truths — if they exist — are not believed.

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