Sunday, December 1, 2013

Another Opportunity For al Queda?

 DHS: Northern Border Now Poses Biggest Terrorist Threat
A top official with the Department of Homeland Security warns that the "nearly unguarded" northern border has become the most likely point of entry into the country for terrorists.
Brandon Judd, president of Homeland Security's National Border Patrol Council, told a House committee on Nov. 20: "For the most part, when discussions on border security arise, the conversation tends to focus on the southwest border. In no way do I want to detract from the importance of securing the southwest border, but I would be remiss if I didn't mention the ongoing threat of the nearly unguarded northern border to the safety of the American public.
"As far as I am aware, all recent threat assessments have pointed to the northern border as the most likely point of entry into our country for terrorists."
The U.S.-Canada border extends for about 5,500 miles, and there are more than 120 land points of entry — not to mention vast stretches of open prairie along the border.
Judd told the committee: "The northern border is ripe for the exploitation of not only alien and drug trafficking, but also for facilitating the illegal entrances of terrorists and those that would do this country harm.
"If we selectively limit manpower to current locations with high volumes of illegal crossings, all we have really achieved is shifting the point of illegal entry to a different location."

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