Sunday, December 15, 2013

Another View Of The Total Isolation Of Israel

Obama threatens Israel with “total isolation”

Jeffrey Goldberg claims US president said in private that Netanyahu is leading Israel down path to near-total isolation.
The Americans has chosen a semi-Muslim as their commander in chief.
The Americans has chosen a semi-Muslim as their commander in chief.
US President Barack Obama has stated repeatedly in private conversations that “Israel doesn’t know what its own best interests are,”regarding Jerusalem’s advancement of new settlement plans.
This was revealed by influential Jewish American columnist Jeffrey Goldberg on Tuesday.
Following the November 29 UN vote to upgrade the Palestinians to non-member observer state status, Israel announced that 3,000 housing units would be built in areas beyond the Green Line, and zoning and planning for thousands of other units throughout Judea and Samaria would be authorized, including in the controversial project between Jerusalem and Ma’aleh Adumim called E1.
Source: Jerusalem Post
My comment:
The election in Israel is on the 22nd of January, and Barack Hussein Obama obviously want to see the end of Benjamin Netanyahu’s days as Prime Minister. Washington is doing its best to see Israel turned into a banana republic .
Obama do not know God of the Bible. Neither do he understand Biblical Zionism. His father was a Muslim, and the son seems to embrace his fathers religion.
It is obvious for all who are not spiritual blindfolded, to see that Obama is paving the was for the final replacement Messiah, the man of lawlessness.
To be able to “make: Israel sign a “peace agreement” with Iran, Hizb”Allah and Hamas, the leadership in Jerusalem must face total isolation.  Like all the Jews faced in Nazi Germany and Europe from 1936 A.D onwards.
The IDF is powerful, and can easily handle all the Arabian neighbors of the Jewish statehood. Even if the Arabs for the forth time attack Israel jointly. But to face a Global army of Obama supporters, will be to much, even for Jews living in an area a little bit lager than New York City.
The Bible explains that the Jews will face a massive betrayal. God of the Bible will therefore take all nations down the path towards Armageddon, and bring Hell fire down on the deceived troops.
Please read these warnings:
Zechariah 14:12
This is the plague with which the Lord will strike all the nations that fought against Jerusalem: Their flesh will rot while they are still standing on their feet, their eyes will rot in their sockets, and their tongues will rot in their mouths.
I will gather all nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. There I will enter into judgment against them concerning my inheritance, my people Israel, for they scattered my people among the nations and divided up my land.
It is you choice. If you will support this evil movement, you also will face stern judgment and spend eternity in the fire of Hell.
Please be wise. Do not support the evil of Obama and his supporters of double talkers and hypocrites.
Jesus the Messiah loves Israel. He will come and the rescue of all who call on Him, or is waiting for His re-appearance.
First published: January 16, 2013.
Written by Ivar

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