Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Any Sane Individual Knows That The Gun Is Not The Problem, It Is The Nut Holding The Gun. Americans Know That And For This Reason, Gun Control Support Is Dropping. In Michigan Over 1,000,000 Hunters And Only A Handful Of Deaths. It's Safer In The Woods Than On The Streets Of Detroit Or Chicago!

Yet Another Poll Shows Support For Gun Control Dropping

Earlier this year, Gallup released a poll showing that support for gun control had fallen over the past 12 months. In fact, Gallup has shown that support for gun control has dropped significantly since the year 2000.
In 2000, 62% Americans supported stricter gun control laws. As of this year, only 49% support stricter gun control laws.
The good news for freedom-loving Americans is that Gallup is not alone with this polling data. Now, CNN/Opinion Research has added credibility to the idea that Americans are reluctant to embrace gun control with its recent polling data.
According to that poll, not even a majority of Americans support tighter gun control laws. Just 49% want more gun control, down from 55% when the same poll was conducted in January, about a month after the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School. In April, the same poll showed that 53% of Americans supported stricter gun control laws.
A full half of Americans (50% even) say that they are opposed to more gun control.
As we have noted previously, when the argument to the American people is framed in terms of “more liberty” versus “less liberty”, the people on the side of “more liberty” unsurprisingly tend to win.
We think that is good news going forward.

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