Friday, December 20, 2013

Duck Commander-A&E Controversy Is A Seminal Moment In US History. Will We Allow People Their Free Speech Or Will There Be Censorship Of ALL Speech? We Choose The Prior!

Does Free Speech Really Matter? Not To The Liberal Elites Behind A&E Network

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Free speech has always been a right guaranteed to all Americans. We have the right to express our own personal opinions, and we have the right to disagree with others as they express their personal opinions. There is the reasonable expectation that there should not be any personal, economic, or political ramifications related to our use or expression of this right to free speech.
Yes, folks, I am of course using the recent events where Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson was suspended for expressing his personal religious opinions. This was done in the pages of the magazine GQ and centered around his thinking on homosexuality.
Is this what we have become as a country and as a society? Do we now have to temper everything we say or even think with the thought police? And who even has become the thought police for that matter? Honestly, I really think that it is only the liberal elites involved in the government who are trying to perpetuate this myth and idea on us…that we need to be careful with what we say because it might, god forbid, offend someone. The vast majority of Americans have a much different idea about this.
One of the biggest reasons that people enjoy watching the Duck Dynasty series is because the show is honest. There is a family that loves and cares for each other and regularly expresses their faith among each other. This is the type of family that most of us have…or at least would like to have. However, this type of idea or this vision of America is one that has usually been ignored by the libertards in Hollywood and in Washington, DC.
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Everyone who believes in the idea of free speech and religious liberty should also be deeply offended and troubled by this recent action. All the man did was express his opinion. If you actually read what he said, it was very accommodating. He even made clear that these were personal opinions and he still treated everyone exactly the same with respect since they are actually children of God. Maybe the liberals did not like that he said everyone was created by God as well?
In case you have not seen the article in GQ Magazine, here is a quote:
“I myself am a product of the 60′s; I centered my life around sex, drugs, and rock and roll until I hit rock bottom and accepted Jesus as my Savior. My mission today is to go forth and tell people about why I follow Christ and also what the bible teaches, and part of that teaching is that women and men are mean to be together. However, I would never treat anyone with disrespect just because they are different from me. We are all created by the Almighty and like Him, I love all of humanity. We would all be better off if we loved God and loved each other.”
We have already seen some heavy hitters lining up to support Robertson. There is former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin saying that “free speech is an endangered species.” Texas Senator Ted Cruz has also posted a statement of support on his Facebook page and Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal has defended him as well.
What do YOU think? Is free speech becoming an endangered species? Was A&E right to suspend Robertson for voicing his opinion in an article (not even on the show)? Was his statement that offensive? Who should really be offended by anything he said?

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