Thursday, December 5, 2013

Governor Walker Has Trouble With Aides Who Have No Governor On Their Lips

Possible Republican Presidential Candidate Fires Campaign Aide Over Racist Tweets

Possible Republican Presidential Candidate Fires Campaign Aide Over Racist Tweets

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, who many are considering as a likely Presidential candidate under the Republican party in 2016, sacked a campaign aide for racist tweets that she sent out in 2011. Taylor Palmisano, who worked for his campaign as the deputy finance manager, was fired after the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel posted her tweets about Mexicans online. She has since removed her Facebook and Twitter accounts, but the images were screen grabbed and quickly went viral.
Palmisano tweeted that she “will choke that illegal mex cleaning in the library. Stop banging f*cking chairs around and turn off your Walkman.” She also tweeted that “nobody speaks English.” Friends of Scott Walker spokesman Jonathan Wetzel said that the campaign aide was “removed immediately” and that “both the Governor, and the campaign, condemn these insulting remarks which do not reflect our views in any way.”
The campaign aide for Walker released a statement after her tweets went viral and apologized for her actions. “I deeply regret these offensive and irresponsible remarks,” she said. “I sincerely apologize and understand the consequences of making such unacceptable statements.”
However, this isn’t the first time that Walker has found himself in trouble for racist remarks that members of his team made. Last August, he removed Steven Krieser as his assistant deputy secretary at the state Department of Transportation after it was revealed that Kreiser made a Facebook post which compared illegal immigrants to Satan.
Walker has yet to publicly announce whether he will run for President in the next election.

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