Monday, December 9, 2013

Great Line From Former VP Cheney:"If you can't design and run a website, what the heck are you doing messing with the healthcare system of the United States?"

Dick Cheney: Medical Device Tax Could Have Killed Me

Monday, 09 Dec 2013 12:17 PM
By Wanda Carruthers
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Former Vice President Dick Cheney says Obamacare's medical device tax could have killed him if it had been in effect during the years he battled heart disease. He explained the tax would hinder the types of innovations he credited with saving his life.

"If you want less of something, you tax it. And putting a tax on medical devices will slow down that whole process of innovation that saved my life and the life of millions of others," Cheney told "Fox & Friends" Monday.

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"It's all those innovations that didn't exist when I had my first heart attack that have cut the incidents of death by over 50 percent in the country," he added.

Cheney also credited the continuity of care by his doctors as being pivotal during his battle with heart disease. Under Obamacare, people are discovering they may not be able to continue to use their current doctors, despite repeated promises by President Barack Obama to the contrary.

Cheney maintained being able to keep his doctors was "one of the most important decisions I made."

"I had exactly two doctors who covered me over that 35-year period of time. And that was crucial, in terms of my care. And that's true in an awful lot of cases, especially people who have chronic diseases," Cheney said.

The former vice president recently detailed his experience in a book, "Heart: An American Medical Odyssey." He chronicled his years of heart problems and the innovations that have enabled people to live with heart disease.

If the government cannot operate a website efficiently, Cheney wonders how they could deliver a better healthcare system that's "one-sixth of the economy."

"If you can't design and run a website, what the heck are you doing messing with the healthcare system of the United States?" Cheney asked.

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