Monday, December 2, 2013

Historically, The US Has Not Been On The Side Of Israel As Some Would Have You Believe. State Department Has Never Been A Supporter. Israel Must Act In Its Own Best Interests.

Israel can't count on America

Ted Belman - Unknown,  November 30th, 2013

America today is the same America that:
1.Stopped Jewish immigration in the twenties.
2. Turned anti-Semitic in the depression
3. Allowed its citizens to finance the Nazi war machine.
4. Banned Jewish refugees from entering the US during the Holocaust.
5. Refused to bomb the railways transporting Jews to extermination centers.
6. Refused to bomb the extermination camps.
7. Was against the creation of Israel. Fortunately counter-manded by President Truman.
8. Placed an arms embargo on Israel after its creation which lasted until after the Six day War.
9. Forced Israel to withdraw from the Sinai after it conquered it in 1956.
11. Ordered Israel to wait to be attacked before the ’73 war which wasted precious hours.
10. Refused to resupply the IDF in the ‘73 war in the early days when it was sorely needed.
11. Prevented Israel from delivering the coup de gras in that war.
12. Sided with Egypt in demanding Israel retreat from every inch of the Sinai.
13. Forced Israel to put Jerusalem on the table in the Madrid Peace Conference
14. Was against Israel bombing the Osirak reactor in Iraq.
15. Ordered Israel not to attack Iraq in the Gulf War in ’91 even if attacked.
16 Demanded full withdrawal by Israel from all territories contrary to UNSC Res 242
17. Demanded Israel dismantle some settlements and stop building them.
18. Has called the settlements “illegitimate” since 1980
19. Supported the creation of a Palestinian state. (Bush vision speech)
20. Demanded that we not totally defeat Hamas in the first war against them (2009)
21. Supports Auschwitz borders.
22. Demanded Israel refrain from attacking Iran’s nuclear facilities.
23. Embraced the Muslim Brother and now Iran,  both of which call for the eradication of Israel.
Don’t count on America.

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