Saturday, December 14, 2013

Incumbents Taking Heat Over Budget Deal

Palin: 'Read My Lipstick:' Budget Deal Bad

Image: Palin: 'Read My Lipstick:' Budget Deal Bad
Friday, 13 Dec 2013 12:30 PM
By Lisa Barron
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Sarah Palin is lashing out at the controversial Ryan-Murray budget deal that passed by a large margin in the House but faces a tough battle on the Senate floor next week.

"No one can argue with the fact that Paul Ryan's compromise budget bill raises taxes and increases spending. Show me one Republican who got elected on that platform," the former Alaska governor and 2008 GOP vice presidential nominee wrote in an editorial posted online at Thursday.

"Spare America the Orwellian word games. If the government is taking money out of your pocket to fund its growing Big Brother operations, it's a tax. Whether money is taken from you via your phone bill, your airline ticket, or your income, it's a tax. If politicians can't be honest about this, it's time to go home," she said.

The budget compromise funds a slight increase in spending through a fee on air travel, a change to cost-of-living increases for future military retirees, and a requirement for federal workers to pay more into their pensions.

In her commentary, titled, "Read My Lipstick: No New Taxes," Palin argued, "We can sit back and accept the increased spending 'Compromised Plan' with increases in taxes and spending, or we can charge ahead to at least preserve the very modest Sequester cuts American workers fought for."

She continued, "The Political establishment will no doubt tell us that a budget battle will distract us from the fight against Obamacare. But that excuse is just the latest variation in the Establishment's old canard that they're keeping their powder dry for the next big battle, which never seems to materialize because they're always too busy waving the white flag and following the path of least resistance until election day."

"Do these members of Congress really think they can justify every tax dollar they spend and still demand more from hard working Americans?" Palin added.

In a warning to incumbents facing reelection in 2014, Palin concluded, "We'll be watching."

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