Thursday, December 12, 2013

Is A War Starting Between Boehner And Conservatives?

FreedomWorks' Kibbe: Boehner Hands Democrats Big Advantage

Thursday, 12 Dec 2013 05:28 PM
By Bill Hoffmann
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FreedomWorks' President Matt Kibbe says House Speaker John Boehner has created "a real problem" by calling out his organization and others for being against the bipartisan budget deal.

"It creates a real problem and it creates a problem the next time Republicans belly-up to the negotiating table because the Democrats, now, have their number," Kibbe told "The Steve Malzberg Show" on Newsmax TV.

"They're going to get whatever they want next time and we're going to have to have this fight now, to be honest with you."

Kibbe, whose volunteer activists fight for "less government, lower taxes, and more freedom," says lawmakers flip-flopped on an earlier pledge."What you're talking about is … both Republicans and Democrats abandoning a promise that they made us in 2011 for the second to last increase in the debt ceiling," he said."John Boehner's problem is not with conservative groups like FreedomWorks, his real problem is with a large constituency of voters who have been voting Republican because they were promised fiscal responsibility."So he can attack FreedomWorks but he's really attacking our 6 million members who thought that they had a deal."
He added that Boehner has "brought to light a real fight for the soul of the Republican Party … These new generations from 2010 and 2012, they promised they would balance the budget, they promised they would reduce the national debt, they promised fiscal responsibility ..."There's that culture clash going on and they really don't like the fact that grassroots America has more power, we have a seat at the table, we have an ability to know what they're up to and that's what's really going on."
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