While 76-year-old Yvonne Small walked along a Brooklyn, N.Y. street at 11:35 a.m. in Friday’s bright sunshine, an unknown assailant punched her in the back of the head and knocked her to the ground…and perhaps made her the 10th New York City victim of the infamous “knockout game.”
76 Year Old Woman May Be New York Citys 10th Knockout Game Victim
Surveillance photo may be of alleged attacker of 76-year-old Yvonne Small. (Image source: WPIX-TV)
Small was was treated at a hospital and discharged, and her attacker was being sought by police, according to the New York Daily News.
In a distressing bit of irony, as small was being attacked, a rally against the “knockout game” — in which thugs try to knock a stranger unconscious with a single punch then post video of the attack online — was finishing up in the same neighborhood.
“We’re not going to tolerate anybody striking, hitting or putting their hands on our women in any shape or fashion,” said Tony Herbert, president of the National Action Network Brooklyn chapter, at the rally. “It’s going to get you locked up.”
76 Year Old Woman May Be New York Citys 10th Knockout Game Victim
Image source: WPIX-TV
The Rev. Al Sharpton has also spoken against the “knockout game”: “We would not be silent if it were the other way around, and we will not be silent now. This behavior is racist, period. And we will not tolerate it,” he wrote in the Huffington Post on Monday.
The “knockout game” has already claimed lives in Syracuse, St. Louis and New Jersey, the Daily News noted, adding that one of the New York victims said he believes he was targeted because he’s an Orthodox Jew. Rev. Al Sharpton has also
Manhattan chef Diego Moya, 30, suffered a broken nose and fractured jaw when he was attacked during a trip to Philadelphia Tuesday, the Daily News reported. His jaw was wired shut after a three hour surgery; Moya believes his may have been a “knockout game” attack.
Here’s a report from WPIX-TV in New York: