Thursday, December 19, 2013

Lies Democrats Tell. Women And Minorities Paid Less By Those Who Claim Republicans Have A War On Women. Such Bunk!!

Minorities Paid Less To Work For Democrats Than For Republicans On National Campaign Trail

December 19, 2013 by  
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1 186

In spite of the Democratic Party’s co-opting of the narrative of hope and change for minorities in America, it’s actually the GOP that better compensates paid nonwhite minority staffers.
That’s according to a study from the New Organizing Institute (NOI), which reviewed expenditure information from the Federal Elections Commission (FEC) for 2012. NOIemployed the following method to arrive at its conclusions:
We convened a team of researchers to compile expenditure data from the Federal Elections Commission, to extract data about individuals to whom payroll or salary payments were issued, and match it to a voter file enhanced with commercial data. This allowed us to create, for the first time, an evidence-based assessment of the staff composition of federal-level American campaigns. Using this method we were able to determine with good confidence the race/ethnicity and gender of 16,241 individual campaign staffers from 2012.
The hiring demographics indicate that Democrats’ campaigns hired more female and minority staffers than their Republican opponents’. But among those minorities both parties did hire, the GOP paid more.
African American staffers on Democratic federal-level campaigns are paid 70 cents on the dollar compared to their white counterparts; Hispanics are paid 68 cents on the dollar.
Women on campaigns are also paid less than men, although at a rate not too far from parity: 95 cents on the dollar. Interestingly, although the proportions of staff are more skewed towards white men on Republican campaigns, the income disparities are more pronounced on Democratic campaigns.
Specifically, Democrat-led campaigns paid an average of $795 per paycheck to black staffers and $1,145 to whites. Republican campaign camps paid blacks an average paycheck of $1,317, while whites were paid $1,510. Democrats also paid women an average paycheck of $978, while Republicans paid women $1,448 per paycheck.
In fact, Republicans paid everybody more, including Hispanics, Asians and, of course, white men.

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