Sunday, December 1, 2013

Life In The US Under Obama--Complain And Get Audited Even If You Are A Cancer Patient

Banana republic update: cancer patient who complained about ObamaCare gets an IRS audit

While the Administration frantically looks for ways to spin the ongoing disaster of HealthCareDotGov as some sort of success - even though the system went down for a good 11 hours on the day we were promised it would be completely, totally fixed - it's worth remembering that some government machinery works very well indeed, especially the parts that cause bad things to happen to Obama critics.

Remember Bill Elliott, the cancer patient who said he'd be more likely to "let nature take its course," rather than pay his 900 percent premium increase under ObamaCare?  The crestfallen Obama voter who said he voted to re-elect the President entirely because he believed the Big Lie about keeping your insurance and doctors if you liked them?  
The funniest darn thing just happened: he's getting audited by the IRS.  Apparently his insurance broker is getting audited, too.  
What a remarkable coincidence!  I'm sure that's all it is, because President Obama constantly assures us he's not a dictator, and we don't live in a banana republic.  And we all know that Barack Obama's word is gold, right?

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