Friday, December 13, 2013

Michigan Leading Other States In Freedom Guarantees

Michigan: The New Home Of Freedom

I was on the Detroit Free Press website last night and the freedom hit me like a ton of red, white, and blue bricks. I found three separate stories that told me something great is going on in the state of Michigan. Not only have they decoupled abortion from ObamaCare, they’ve nullified indefinite detention and even repealed the motorcycle helmet law.
The Michigan legislature approved an initiative that will require women to purchase addition insurance if they want abortion coverage in their health plans. This will make most private and all public insurance plans offer a separate abortion rider, taking an ax to the Affordable Care Act’s abortion mandate. 315,477 people signed a petition to get this initiative before the legislature where it was approved 27-11 in the Senate and 62-47 in the House.
Rep. Nancy Jenkins (R-Dover Township) put it best when she said, “I don’t think elective abortion should be a part of insurance. This doesn’t affect access to abortion. It will still be legal when this law takes effect. Who should be required to pay? Not Michigan taxpayers.”
A bill that would prohibit state and local officials from helping the government detain American citizens indefinitely was sent to the governor’s desk on Wednesday. If signed into law, the Michigan National Guard and any state or local law enforcement would not assist the federal government in the unconstitutional practice of detaining suspects without filing charges.
The bill is in response to the National Defense Authorization Act that allows the indefinite detention of terrorism suspects. While it won’t stop the infinite detentions, Michigan will not participate in violating American civil liberties.
This ain’t exactly hot off the presses, but it’s news to me. In April of 2012 Michigan repealed the law that forced people to wear helmets while riding motorcycles. There are a couple of requirements like a special license provision and the rider must carry insurance, but those are things you need to ride a motorcycle anywhere. Allowing people to choose how much personal protection they need is a true symbol of freedom. It’s almost as if Michigan is treating its residents like adults.
An added bonus to this repeal is that it has generated plenty of out-of-state tourism. Riders from slave states are flocking to Michigan just so they can feel the breeze in their hair.
Throw in some better-than-average gun laws and low taxes and Michigan is looking like a freedom-lover’s paradise. Hell, they even passed a “right to work” law to break the union stranglehold on their stagnant economy. The state is moving in the right direction by being out of step with the socialist/fascist Obama-nation too much of the rest of the country has become.
Maybe it’s because I live in California, the home of government overreach, that I’m easily impressed by these declarations of freedom in Michigan. I’m so used to the government taking away freedom and rights that any move towards liberty is a jaw-dropper to me. Even more shocking is the idea that elected officials are actually representing the will of the people.

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