Wednesday, December 25, 2013

More Apologizes To Duck Dynasty

NBC Apologizes For Anchor’s Rude Remarks About ‘Duck Dynasty’ Star Phil Robertson

NBC Apologizes For Anchor’s Rude Remarks About ‘Duck Dynasty’ Star Phil Robertson

First Cracker Barrel, now NBC. A local NBC affiliate in Wisconsin released a statement apologizing for one of their anchors criticizing Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson for his comments about homosexuality being a sin. Anchor Christine Bellport made disparaging remarks about Robertson on-air by declaring that “when you look at the guy, I’m not surprised with the comments he made.” She also admitted that she was making the remarks without ever watching an episode of Duck Dynasty because she “[was] not going to waste my time on that.”
After viewers flooded the TV station with angry phone calls, e-mails and tweets, NBC 15 release a statement apologizing for Bellport’s comments. “The comments made today on The Morning Show by anchor Christine Bellport regarding the Duck Dynasty story do not reflect the views of NBC 15 or the NBC 15 newsroom,” said the network. NBC 15 apologizes for the comments and regrets that Christine offended viewers and Mr. Robertson.
Last week, restaurant chain Cracker Barrel decided to pull Duck Dynasty merchandise from their stores because they felt Robertson had offended gay people, speaking in a statement about “equal treatment of all people” and “mutual respect.” However, Cracker Barrel customers blasted the company and declared it was Robertson’s constitutional right to say how he felt about gays. Many also threatened to boycott the restaurant chain and not dine there in the future.
Just 24 hours after their Duck Dynasty merch ban, Cracker Barrel apologized to their customers and the Robertson family. “You told us we made a mistake and you weren’t shy about it … you flat out told us we were wrong,” said Cracker Barrel in a statement. “We apologize for offending you. We respect all individuals’ rights to express their beliefs.”

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