Saturday, December 7, 2013

Obama Will Hurt Other Black Politicians. He Is Not Showing The Public That He Can Lead.

Economist Williams: Obama Incompetent, 'Beyond Learning'

Friday, 06 Dec 2013 06:03 PM
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President Barack Obama will never able to learn from the late Nelson Mandela about how to properly govern a nation, says Walter E. Williams, a syndicated columnist and economist at George Mason University.

"He's beyond learning. He has another agenda and, firstly, I don't think Obama is his own man," Williams told "The Steve Malzberg Show" at Newsmax TV.

"He is a puppet of George Soros," he added, referring to the liberal billionaire businessman and philanthropist.

Williams believes Obama's presidency ultimately will be regarded along the lines of Jimmy Carter's "somewhat failed" administration.

He said it is unfortunate that America's first black president is "incompetent."

"Back in 1947 when Jackie Robinson came into the Major Leagues … he had to be that good. Blacks could not afford an incompetent baseball player," Williams said.

"And as a result of Jackie Robinson, [Roy] Campanella, and all these other guys, I can get out and play baseball, and basketball as well, and nobody watching my behavior can say, 'Well damn, those blacks can't play baseball or basketball..'

"That is, right now we can afford, black people can afford incompetent baseball players or basketball players or football players but they cannot afford an incompetent president. And it turns out that Barack Obama is an incompetent president and a part of the tragedy of it."
But he said that says more about Americans than about Obama.

"This is the first time in our history that a person could have been elected to the highest office in the land who had long-time associations with people who hate our country such as Rev. [Jeremiah] Wright, who said, well black people should not sing God Bless America but … Damn America," Williams said.

" He was a long-time associate with Willie Ayers, who bombed the building along with his wife and other shady characters and so this says something about the American people who would elect a person to office like that.

But maybe a whole lot of whites, maybe they had some of their guilt taken care of by saying, well gee, I voted for a black person."

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