Tuesday, December 24, 2013

One Has To Wonder If Troublemakers Ever Realize The Stupidity Of Their Demands?

Black Leaders Call For Boycott Of San Francisco

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Oh no, what did San Francisco do to raise the ire of local black community members to the point that they are calling for a boycott of the city? Did the SFPD shoot an unarmed black teenager in the back? Did the city decide it would no longer celebrate black history month? Nope on both counts. This beef is because black leaders don’t feel like they’re getting a big enough piece of the SF tourism pie.
The San Francisco African American Chamber of Commerce alleges that far too few tourist dollars are finding their way to black owned business and black workers. They also complain that the city has neither addressed nor corrected this problem.
“It’s apparent that the African-American community in San Francisco has no advocates in the public sector regarding this issue. No one seems to want to confront one of the most blatant and visible forms of discrimination affecting African-Americans in San Francisco — being shut out of San Francisco’s No. 1 industry, tourism,” said Fred Jordan, president of the SFAACC.
The chamber is telling African American organizations to steer clear of the city’s hotels and convention centers starting January 1st. They have also promised demonstrations outside of conferences and conventions that dare not heed their warning.
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At stake is nearly the $9 billion annually that San Francisco generates in tourism. Unclear is, why these black leaders feel like the city has anything to do with the way that money is distributed. Does the city put out a tour guide that warns visitors to stay the hell away from black owned businesses? Not in super-liberal SF. They don’t even warn tourists to stay out of dangerous neighborhoods where they are sure to get robbed and assaulted.
Also ambiguous is what the SFAACC actually expects the city to do. Their call to action doesn’t include any specific demands. However, they do claim that the city is guilty of “racially biased hiring practices.” Again, no real instances of racial impropriety or ways to fix them, but hey, it makes for good copy. I seriously doubt SF has biased hiring policies for blacks. Heterosexual, conservative, males: yes. But people of color: no way.
One of the biggest problems with this whole thing is that there are very few blacks even living in SanFran. Blacks make up only 4% of the city. How big of a piece of pie does such an insignificant group deserve? Even more puzzling is the 45% unemployment rate of blacks in San Francisco. Maybe if they want more tourist dollars they should consider getting a job.
Usually these types of economic boycotts are nothing more than whiny special interest groups trying to get attention, but this one is off the charts in its absurdity. Businesses succeed and people are gainfully employed because of hard work and reliability. Expecting the government to prop up a small minority is pure insanity.
Or maybe, it’s pure genius. This is San Francisco after all. The same city the wants to ban butterflies. If ever there was a place that would bend to such a ridiculous threat, it is the city by the bay. I could see SF tacking on a “racial equity” tax to every hotel room in the city. It wouldn’t surprise me if they zoned choice tourist spots with a minority owned business quota. Never underestimate the silliness of a hyper-liberal, uber-progressive city council.

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