Monday, December 2, 2013

Over 1/3 Of Young People (ObamaCrapCare's Necessary Group) Are Not Familiar With Its Provisions. Looks Like The Website May Be The Least Of The Law's Issues.

Poll: Obamacare’s Main Targets Least Familiar With Law

December 2, 2013 by  
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A major key to the success of President Obama’s already ailing healthcare reform effort is the participation of young, healthier Americans in the government healthcare exchanges offsetting the costs of older, sicker Americans enrolling in Obamacare. The Federal government knows this and has attempted to reach out to young adults with celebrity and pop culture-laden advertisement campaigns. But recent polling data indicate that the government’s efforts may be in vain. Americans under 30 are the demographic least likely to be familiar with Obamacare.
Gallup reports, “…[Y]oung people need to be familiar with the law if they can be expected to respond to its mandate requiring them to have insurance. There is clearly still work to be done on that front — with younger Americans significantly less acquainted with the law than those who are older.”
Obamacare is also intended to provide more aid for Americans with lower incomes than wealthier Americans. Unfortunately for the Obama Administration, however, Gallup reports that lower-income Americans know less about the healthcare law than their wealthier counterparts.
Of those who reported being familiar with Obamacare, most said they were “somewhat” knowledgeable about healthcare reform rather than “very familiar.”

From Gallup:

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