Friday, December 27, 2013

Register Your Un-Registered "Assault" Weapons Or Become A Felon! The Terrible Choice For Connecticut Residents.

Many Connecticut Gun Owners Will Be Felons In A Few Days


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Gun Owners in Connecticut who fail to disclose their “assault weapons” are about to become felons.
That’s right. Felons. Do not pass go. Go straight to jail.
Under a ridiculous law passed in the aftermath of the Sandy Hook tragedy, anyone in possession of a gun on the “ban list” must register the weapon with the state by Jan. 1. Also required to register are any magazines over ten rounds.
Gun banner Michael Lawlor, who works for the governor’s office made the state’s intentions clear: “You can either surrender the weapon to us, destroy the weapon or sell it to a federal firearms licensee,” he said. “After [Jan. 1], anything that hasn’t been declared or registered is banned and if you get caught, you’re going to get arrested.”

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Gun rights advocates are fighting the measure, but will be an uphill battle in one of the most liberal states in the union.
“Assault weapons” are defined by the ignorant largely as rifles with cosmetic attachments meant to make them look “scary.”
Possessing a weapon after the Jan. 1 deadline can mean one year in prison under the state’s “mandatory minimum” guidelines. Possessing a “large capacity” clip will get you a ticket on the first offense, but becomes a felony by the second offense.
A list of the banned guns (and there are a lot of them) can be foundhere.

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