Wednesday, December 4, 2013

The State Of The American Republic Is Starting To Look Like France Before Marie Antoinette Without The Guillotine.

Americans of all political stripes are uneasy, upset, disturbed and angry over the way the country is being run and the current lack of leadership that we have from all political parties. Will we see a revolution or are we just a bunch of bellyachers who complain a lot and don't take any action.  We unfortunately believe the latter to be true.

All you  have to do is to look at the sequester which was supposed to end financial gridlock in Congress. The idea was that the deal was so bad that our legislators would be forced to move from their positions to finally address the issues facing the nation.  We were sadly proven wrong and now the most draconian cuts are being taken.

In the future there will be other "deals with the devil" that many of us say, will cause us to riot, to remove all standing representatives and to bring some sanity back to Congress. Again we will be wrong. Americans don't do that.

Over the years, we have been schooled into being passive citizens. We are told that our nation is a democracy and if things don't go our way, it's "hey that is our system".  

Our "representatives" in Washington don't even take the time to respond to a citizen's letter or email. Instead we get a boiler plate letter dealing with the topic about which we wrote.  One of our friends requested help with her Social Security. She could not get a hearing to obtain her benefits. She had had a stroke she could not work and desperately needed the SSI. Not one of her representatives took the time to write back a personal letter, only the political blather.

Only after my friend wrote Laura Bush did things open up and she was able to get her hearing with Social Security and get approved for her benefits.  Isn't it sad that Mrs. Bush, who was not even in government, was able to get the government to move even though her Senators and Representative could not (or would not) get it done. In prior years, that would have been embarrassing.  No longer.

This callousness toward the citizenry is reflected in the very low favor-ability ratings that Congress has. Yet Congress sees fit to exempt itself from ObamaCrapCare and then cave in to having coverage but turns around and grants itself a stipend to pay for it. How much of a tin ear can these people have?

Will this anger toward Congress continue or will we accept it?  We believe the latter is more probable.  Congress will continue to make things harder for the average citizen while rewarding those who agree with them and who provide them with their political contributions. We are too placid to make waves.

The government is making sure that we don't. They have purchased ammunition, armed personnel carriers, AR-15s and the like to protect themselves from us.  They will not need them. As the Boston Bomber experience has taught us, Americans will cower in their homes if told to stay there by authorities and they will allow police to search their homes without a warrant if threatened with arrest. 

In the blog we posted today, police can violate your rights (by roadside stops demanding you give them saliva samples) and there is no retribution. Additionally, the government (in this case, California) can seize your property (guns) if you don't pay your tolls or are late on your taxes.

New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg passed laws that prevented people from buying large carbonated drinks. Were there any riots? Isn't it our right to put anything into our bodies that we want?

We have become a nation of cowed, cowardly "sheeple" who will not challenge authority, will not rise up and take back the government. We won't demand respect from our "representatives" while they wine and dine the big wigs who give them bucks for their re-election. They favor the big corporations over the small ones like our earlier posting today on issue of small banks. They bail our large corporations (GM,Chrysler and the banks) and give no help for the individual businessperson in fact, they make it harder for the small guy to stay in business.

They monitor our every word and sentence via the NSA as a means to instill fear of speaking badly about the government.  They turn loose the IRS on anyone who might disagree with them. They allow their TSA goons to grope 7 year and 93 year olds or subject you to privacy invading screens. And we keep accepting it like sheeple.

When there are people who join together to fight the growth of government as in the case of the Tea Party, the media pounces on them with ferocity,  lies and deceit.  Additionally, the leaders of the movement and anyone who agrees with them are scorned and ridiculed by both parties for if they are successful, it will upset the very good thing they have going. It is no wonder that the Tea Party influence has waned, how could any movement stand up to the withering attacks that have come their way.  

So, this is the way  you control the populace. You dumb them down. You tell them that the government will take care of them. You squelch any opposition. You arm yourself to the teeth. And if all else fails you turn the agencies of government against anyone who wants change. And folks, that is where we are today.

We dream of the day when Americans will finally wake from their slumber and arise as one giant movement to "throw out the bums" and bring back what made America strong in the first place. We are not hopeful.

Are you willing to accept a less involved, less paternalistic government which does only things that we as individuals cannot do like defense, foreign trade and controlling the borders? Will you accept responsibility for taking care of yourself and your family? If so, there might be hope. If not, you are part of the problem.  

Conservative Tom

The following article, although written by a Democratic operative, points out the many problems facing this country.

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