Thursday, December 5, 2013

This Is What The ObamaCrapCare Advertising Bucks Are Buying!

Prize-Winning Obamacare Promo Encourages Crazy Kids To ‘Forget About The Price Tag’

December 5, 2013 by 
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The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has awarded a $2,000 prize to the winner of a do-it-yourself advertising contest aimed at promoting Obamacare enrollment among young people. The video that took the pot has at least one thing going for it: truth in advertising.
“Don’t worry ’bout the price tag,” sings Erin McDonald, whose submission won the prize by shoehorning an Obamacare message into an arrangement of British pop star Jessie J’s 2011 single “Price Tag.”
The contest stems from a collaboration between HHS and Young Invincibles, a nonprofit that seeks to channel the political will of millenials.
“Back in August 2013, Young Invincibles, in partnership with the Department of Health and Human Services, launched the Healthy Young America Video Contest, an effort to mobilize young people to help educate and inform one another about the Affordable Care Act,” the official White House blog explains.
Here’s McDonald’s prize-winning hook, transcribed with admirable phonetic accuracy by The Daily Caller:
Ain’t about the, uh, cha-ching cha-ching. Ain’t about the, yeah, bla-bling bla-bling. Affordable Care Act. Don’t worry ’bout the price tag.
What will the Obama Administration resort to next in its surreal effort to mainstream his onerous health care mandate — staging Obamacare-themed happy hours at bars? Oh, wait — they’re already doing that.

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