Sunday, December 15, 2013

We Couldn't Disagree More! Pro Life And Support Of The Troops Linked.

These Small Towns Would Be Nice...If It Weren't For All The Militant Statism
Those of you who have signed up for TDV Homegrown know that I spend a lot of every day zipping around various parts of Minnesota when in the guise of my alter ego. These past few days I've had to do a lot of driving in the southeast corner of this snowy state, as far as its with Iowa.
It's lovely out there. The towns are small and some of them still retain plenty of their historic buildings. Northfield is probably the most impressive. Jesse James and his companions rode through there and the wall of one bank still bears the bullet holes as testament to his visit.

Most of the towns are much smaller, quainter. They are connected to each other by very long, very straight two-lane highways that cut through snow-covered crop fields and that abruptly turn into their Main Streets or Broadways. 
Once you leave the overwhelming nanny state collectivism of minimum wage-supporters in the Minneapolis metropolitan area, you have to deal with the militant state collectivism of the small towns. This is also an abrupt transformation. Out in farm country at some fixed radius from the Minneapolitan downtown the pro-life billboards start to pop up.
They all bear pictures of some marginally cute white baby with text on the left or bottom saying something like "My heart began beating 18 days after conception" or "God knew my soul before I was born."
Now abortion is a tricky topic for us anarchists. Let me just say briefly that even though I believe if there's no brain, there's no chance for a human to suffer, I also think abortion is a tragedy. But complete freedom would drastically reduce the number of abortions (availability of cheap, convenient prevention, for starters) and would give us non-political (i.e. non-violent) ways to direct dollars toward discouraging those considering abortion from going through with it. 
But those billboards are a telltale sign not just of opinion. In this corrupt, state-infested world they declare a political bent. These aren't people who are just opposed to abortion. These are people who are willing to hire the local arm of a mafia to point guns at people so that they don't have abortions. 
Further and on occasion, these small towns will have some centrally located placard to let visitors know that the town supports is troops. The anti-abortion signs are somehow far more tolerable. The unthinking allegiance of these "Minnesota nice" people to the mercenaries who kill and oppress on the orders of politicians and paid with money those politicias had their domestic mercenaries steal... It's like finding out that the adorable little girl next door keeps in her closet a collection the bodies of kittens she's tortured to death. 
These people are kind, smiling and enthusiastic fascists. While in a drive-thru in one of these towns I saw a bumper sticker in front of me that read "I Love My Soldier". They are good to each other and to those in their midst whom their political masters approve of, but they practically orgasm at the thought of the state sending out their sons and daughters to trample other tribes. 

Gary Gibson
Editor, The Dollar Vigilante

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