Monday, December 9, 2013

We Have Been Telling Everyone The Same Story. Single Payer By The End Of 2014!

A Single Payer System Is Just a Click Away

When you have a president who is pushing socialized medicine, guess what comes next: a single payer system. It’s the inevitable people, and it’s just one click away.
We can’t avoid the inevitable; Obama wants us to be even more dependent than Canada’s health care system. Think about it; he is in control, and the government will pay all the bills. We will have no say; but the government will. Is that how you want your health care to be run?
Think long and hard before you answer that. Let’s say for conversation’s sake that you’re a 55-year old female, with 3 children and 6 grandchildren. You already had your hysterectomy (sorry for the extremely personal references), and are enjoying your mature years. If you sign up for Obamacare through or a local exchange, they mandate that you need prenatal care. No, really. You have to have it. You no longer need it, but it will be mandated. Mandated!!
That’s what socialized medicine does; it tells you what you need, whether you need it or not. It’s not only crazy, it’s sick. Only people who are seeking a family will sign up for prenatal care. But since Obama is the Leader of the free world, he thinks you need prenatal care at any stage of life. It’s insane. That’s socialized medical care, for ya!
So before you know it, the government will become the King of Medicine because they will be paying the bills. Thanks to Obamacare. Thanks to Nobama. It’s one click away. Click on a health care exchange online, and this is the result.
Think before you click. Is this the health care system you want for you and your family?

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