Monday, December 2, 2013

When Employers Dump Plans Due To ObamaCrapCare, Millions Will Be Dropped Onto A Malfunctioning Site. Anger By The Populace Will Rise To Historic Levels

George Will: ‘All Hell Is Going To Break Loose’ When Employers Dump Plans Because Of ObamaCare

George Will made a prediction this morning, and it isn’t going to sit well with a lot of Democrats, especially those who are up for re-election next year.
“I recommend everyone reading the prose that was released this morning with the status report,” he said on Fox News Sunday. “It said there was an unacceptable user experience, that’s the 2013 understatement of the year, but they’ve made substantial progress, and this is lovely, it says, ‘While there’s now more work to be done, the team is operating with private sector velocity and effectiveness.’ Now that’s progress, when the government says, ‘We aspire to the private sector.’ But it does go on to say that there will be more progress ‘in the weeks and months ahead.’”
What? “The weeks and months ahead”? That’s funny, we thought that the deadline to fix this thing was by today.
“Let me suggest that, way over the horizon,” Will continued, “about six months from now, a hundred million people get their insurance from Medicare or Medicaid. A hundred and seventy-one million get it from their employers. Watch the employers. Because if they start dumping people into Medicare and into Medicaid, and the doctors then say, ‘The burdens are too high and the reimbursement is too low. We’re not seeing Medicaid patients.’ Then, all hell is gonna break loose.”
Have a look at the video below.

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