Friday, December 13, 2013

When Will They Start Charging New Born Boys With Sexual Harassment Of Their Mother.

Six Year Old Boy Charged With Sexual Harassment, But Charges Were Dropped

A  boy kissed the hand of a girl in his class, and got charged with sexual harassment. This is the kind of story that makes you sit up and say “what?!” Since when does a little child know what ‘sex’ is?
Thankfully the mother complained enough, and the officials at the Canton County Colorado school realized how innocent this encounter was. Can you imagine this could have stayed on Hunter Yelton’s record for the rest of his life?
So it’s a good thing that the charges were finally dropped. But it’s still pretty outrageous if you ask me. It was a completely consensual (and sweet) encounter between Hunter and a girl he likes.
After these charges were brought against this sweet little boy, he began getting curious about what ‘sex’ is. So the little boy and his mother had to have ‘the talk,’ and it was pretty awkward for Jennifer Saunders. I bet she never imagined she’d be discussing this with Hunter at such a young age. Sheesh.
The school administrator’s still feel this was harassment, but when the media began to get on their case, they downgraded it from “harassment” to misconduct (sheesh again!).
The little girl’s mother opposed this downgrade, insisting it’s harassment. She wanted a harsh punishment to come down on the little boy to deter it from happening again. Wow.
It just leaves me wondering, what’s this world coming to? How does something as innocent as a hand kiss become sexual harassment? And, how do things that are really vulgar become okay in this world? Such a backwards world we live in.
I have confidence that Saunders will teach Hunter how to properly treat little girls. That’s a mother’s job; is to show her children how a woman should properly be treated. Hunter may get disciplinary action at home for this, but I don’t think it’s the school’s job to punish him. He didn’t hurt this little girl; or violate her. In fact, I bet it was the nicest gesture she’s ever received from a male other than her dad!
What are your thoughts on this? Please weigh in, I’m all ears!
Source: Daily Caller

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