Friday, January 3, 2014

2014--Will It Be A Banner Year For Obama?

We found the following story which was related from "The Beast," a liberal blog. It has much to celebrate when it comes to Obama. Could this be the way the media is thinking? Will they do everything in their power to make 2014, his redemption year?

Let's take their hopes one at a time. They say the economy is growing, heck any economy would grow if the government would be dumping billions into it each month. Once the tapering starts to take effect, we will see how strong this economy really is. We think if anything, the economy will not be strong and will a big issue against the Democrats this year.

As far as "Obama Crap Care", or as we are starting to call it "Outrageously Expensive Crap Care", the liberals think it could get no worse. It will be the opposite. Once the employers (with more than 50 employees) start getting their premium notices, we will find that the 43% approval rate the program now has will drop to 20%. We expect major companies will entirely stop providing health insurance for their employees or will significantly raise employee contributions.

When the author speaks about issues on Obama's side, any increase in the minimum wage or an approval of an immigration plan will be good for the "low information crowd" but will not benefit the country. Raising the wage for kids and fast food workers (many of which earn more than the current minimum) will only reduce jobs and will invite more automation of products usually reserved for the lower tier workers. 

Legalizing illegal immigrants will also hurt the economy more than it will help. In a time when millions cannot find jobs, when others have lost their unemployment, adding these people to the job rolls would be crazy. However, the Democrats will push it. They will not be successful.

The one point the author is right,  the Republicans cannot get it together. Conservatives and main street pols look at things differently and instead of working it out behind closed doors, we expose our dirty laundry to everyone which is not a smart winning philosophy. Republicans will have a hard time in the 2014 elections unless they can put aside their petty disagreements and work together to win the midterms. If they do not, they are guaranteeing that President Obama will have a veto proof remainder of his second term.

The author's last two points could be summed up by saying "Obama's second term is going terrible, things in politics change quickly and he can only go one way and that is up."  The problem with the President is that he does not know how to lead, to cast a vision of the future and to pull everyone in the same direction.  He already has lost a vast majority of independents and many Democrats have become less positive.  The lies about ObamaCare did more damage to his reputation than some liberal political watchers are willing to concede. Americans generally don't like liars however, some politicians can pull it off. Obama is not one of those. 

Can 2014 be a good year for Obama, surely. Will it be, probably not.  He has major headwinds facing him. The economy will not prosper and the illegal immigrant push will make things worse. We expect "Outrageous Expensive Obama Crap Care" to suffer more spits and starts with the program grinding to a halt after the midterm elections right when the major rate increases for large businesses are announced.

2014 is not going to be a rosy year. It will be a very negative year from many points of view. Will it impact Obama? No, he doesn't care. He has his job, his insurance, his Secret Service, and his house. He cares only for the Democratic 1%.  Anyone not in that group can go fly a kite!

This Could Be Obama’s Best Year

The Daily Beast

President Barack Obama smiles as he prepares to answer a question during an end-of-the year news conference in the Brady Press Briefing Room at the White House in Washington, Friday, Dec. 20, 2013. Obama will depart later for his home state of Hawaii for his annual Christmas vacation trip. It's the first time in his presidency that his departure plans have not been delayed by legislative action in Washington. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)
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President Barack Obama smiles as he prepares to answer a question during an end-of-the year news conference in the Brady Press Briefing Room at the White House in Washington, Friday, Dec. 20, 2013. Obama will depart later for his home state of Hawaii for his annual Christmas vacation trip. It's the first time in his presidency that his departure plans have not been delayed by legislative action in Washington. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)
“Obama is done! He’s a lame duck. It’s over for the president.”

These are the type of the comments we saw in the media as 2013 came to a close. As some political pundits saw it, Obama can forget seeing any of his proposals enacted and should simply enjoy the perks of being president -like free cable and limo rides.
Could they be right? Sure, it’s possible. Obama’s approval ratings are near his lowest as president and his disapproval rating is at 54 percent, his worst ever.
With that said, 2014 could be a great year for the president—in fact, it could be his best ever. I know some of you are thinking: I must be crazy.  Well, a lot of people who have been called crazy later went on to be recognized as geniuses. Of course, some who were labeled as “crazy” actually turned out to have mental disorders.

In either event, here are the six reasons that 2014 could be Obama’s finest.
1. The US economy is improving: A good economy generally equals higher approval ratings for president and in turn more political capital for him to push for his proposals. Even President Clinton had an approval rating of 73% in the midst of his impeachment. Why? One big reason was the US economy was strong with unemployment at 4.5% and falling. Currently, the US economy appears poised for growth. The unemployment rate is at its lowest point during the Obama administration at 7%. This is in sharp contrast to the 10% unemployment rate we saw at one time in Obama’s first term. In addition, the stock market just had its best year since 1997, the GDP for the third quarter of 2013 grew at a surprisingly strong 3.6% annual rate and the IMF recently raised its 2014 growth projection for the US economy.

2. Obamacare will get better: It has to-It can’t get worse.  And Obamacare was the number 1 reason cited in a recent NBC News/WSJ poll for why people gave the president only a 43% approval rating. But here’s the thing: The Obamacare website issues are now behind us and over 2 million people and counting have signed up for the program.  That means Obamacare will soon be judged on its actual merits—not on website issues nor on the constant Republican fear mongering about the law’s uncertainties. If we start hearing stories from Americans whose lives have been made better by this law, expect to see public support rise.
3. Obama has key issues on his side:  President Obama recently stated that 2014 will be his “Year of action.” So expect to see him push hard on issue like immigration reform and raising the minimum wage. Both of these have broad public support. Immigration reform -including a pathway to citizenship as Obama has championed-has the support of 73% of voters. On minimum wage, a November Gallup Poll found that 76% of Americans support a raise form the current level of $7.25 an hour to $9—including 76% of independent voters. Obama is in a win-win situation on these two issues. They pass and it helps him as well as Congressional Dems. The Republicans block them and it will hurt their standing.

4. Republican Party has no ideas: Frankly, the only issue the badly splintered Republican Party seems to agree upon is to repeal Obamacare.  That’s a lot to stake your entire 2014 midterm election campaign on—especially given that there’s a real possibility that Obamacare becomes more popular during the year. If the Obamacare issues fades, so, too, do the GOP’s chances of success in 2014 election since the only other issue getting them press is the infighting between its Tea Party and establishment wings.
5. Political fortunes change fast:  Anyone remember right after the government shutdown inOctober headlines declaring, “Major damage to GOP after shutdown?” Polls at that time found that the public favored Democrats 50% to 42% over Republicans in generic Congressional match ups.Flash forward just two months later and pollsters now find Republicans leading Democrats 49% to 44%.Who knows where we will stand by November 2014 but all you can say for sure is that the current polls numbers are about as meaningful as the storyline on Duck Dynasty.
6. 2013 was so bad for Obama he can only go up: When we look back a year from now on the fortunes of President Obama, it will, of course, be contrasted to 2013.  Lets be honest: There are some benefits to having really bad year—namely, it’s easier to make the next one appear better.
So there you go: My six reasons why I think 2014 could be an amazing year for President Obama. I encourage you to save this article and if turns I’m right, I expect to be heralded as political soothsayer second only to Nate Silver.  And If I’m wrong, I will of course, offer a long list of excuses.
Related from The Daily Beast

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