Thursday, January 16, 2014

Boehner Gets More Than He Expected From Facebook Post.

Boehner Backfire: Speaker’s Anti-Obama Facebook Boast Draws Outrage From Followers Demanding An End To Spineless Leadership

January 16, 2014 by  
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How could he not have seen it coming? House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) got on Facebook Wednesday to slam President Obama for threatening to usurp Congress’ legislative powers by posting two contrasting photos and remarking on the President’s aggressive language about resorting to executive orders.
On one side of the graphic, Boehner’s photo post  has a picture of President Obama with an overlaid caption: “President Obama Has His Pen And His Phone.” A cartoon pen and phone have been Photoshopped into the image. On the other side is a picture of Boehner himself holding what appears to be some pocket version of the Constitution, with an overlaid caption that reads “We Have The Constitution” (“We” evidently means either Congress or all of America.)
Both pictures are accompanied by a comment from Boehner: “President Obama says he has a pen and a phone he can use to bypass Congress. Pens and phones are nice, but we have the Constitution…”
By late Thursday afternoon, the post had garnered nearly 3,000 comments. And nearly all of them said things like this:
  • What’s taking so long for YOU to do SOMETHING!? Appoint a special committee to investigate Benghazi, already! Impeach Eric Holder for lying to congress about Fast and Furious. And, prosecute those responsible for using the IRS to harass American citizens, all the way up to and including those in, the White House. Do it! Now!

  • With All Due Respect Sir,The Constitution is Apparently Only As Good As Your Willingness To Up Hold It!

  • Then cowboy up and use the dang thing! Notice how your playing nice with Ofraudulent didn’t work out so well for you OR us. Do your job!!!

  • I fear nothing will happen and John Boehner is an enabler.

  • Yes Boehner you and the republicans have the constitution. Will you have the backbone and stamina to stand up in obama’s face and use it. Your past record says no. You want to talk big for a while to try and make people think you are going to do something but when the time comes to prove it you cave and bow to obama. Move over and let Cruz take the wheel you have been blinded by obama’s false light.

  • Ha! Mr. Speaker, you have lost all appearance of having any authority as the leader of the most useless Congress in history. Please step aside.

  • Then use it! Impeach him! and read the comments on this post.. The people of the country are tired of your words and no ACTION…Mr Speaker!

  • Quit talking and DO something about it!

  • At what point does your oath to protect us kick in?

  • Stop dancing with him, and prosecute him!

  • You apparently haven’t read it.. If you had, you would have already impeached him….. And now you are acting like the democrats and passing a 1500+ page bill without reading it. You are not a leader, you are acting like his lap dog..

  • Worst. Speaker. Ever.
It goes on and on and on. See for yourself here.

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