Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Candidate Is Condemed For Being Extreme But Does He Have A Point? Should Obama Be Tried For Treason Or Malfeasance Of Office Or...? Or Should We Just Ignore What He Does And Says? Don't Condemn The Message.

Obama Should Be Hanged, Says Black Republican

January 22, 2014 by  
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A black Republican running for the District 68 seat in the Florida State House of Representatives is drawing fire for his Martin Luther King Day comment that President Barack Obama should be hanged for war crimes.
“I’m past impeachment. It’s time to arrest and hang him high,” candidate Joshua Black posted to Twitter, quoting another user. “Agreed,” he concluded.
Following Black’s tweet, he was attacked by Democrats and fellow Republicans alike, including Chris Latvala, a Republican candidate for Florida House District 67. Black and Latvala exchanged tit-for-tat tweets:

The Florida GOP has also taken steps to distance itself from Black.
“It’s deplorable, it’s despicable, and it has no place in public discourse,” Susan Hepworth, the Republican Party of Florida’s communications director, told The Huffington Post. “He should probably just go ahead and bow out of the race.”
Black, a political newcomer, didn’t back down. The candidate said that the current President’s actions while in office merit treason charges.
“He should be executed for treason,” Black said. “I think the appropriate punishment is death. They killed Benedict Arnold. (Obama) shouldn’t be allowed to kill Americans without a trial.”
Democrat Dwight Dudley, Black’s opponent in the race to represent Florida’s St. Peterburg and Clearwater regions, echoed the GOP condemnations of the candidate’s remarks.
“It’s dangerous and unbecoming for someone who wants to lead to call for such violence and extremist action,” Dudley said.
In a lengthy Facebook post, Black explained to his critics:
To everyone who was offended that I said that the POTUS should be hanged for treason, this is the man who droned Al-Awaki on “suspicion of terrorism”–not proof–and later killed his 15-year-old son for nothing more than being his son.
This is also the man who sought to have Bradley Manning and Eric Snowden executed for treason when they didn’t kill anyone, nor does the US government pretend to believe that they cost any spies their lives.
This would be exactly what the President has done to others, and, as Jesus said, “the measure ye mete, it shall be meted to you again.” I make no apologies for saying that the President is not above the People. If ordinary Americans should be executed for treason, so should he.
So, don’t stop at impeachment. Remove him. Try him before a jury (the very right that he arbitrarily denied to al-Awaki and his 15-year-old son), and, upon his sure convictions, execute him. Thus has he done, thus it should be done to him.
Black moved to Florida in 2007 after gaining recognition as a street evangelist in St. Louis. Black, who now works as a taxi driver, says on his website that he entered politics in 2012 in an effort to influence the Presidential primary

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