Thursday, January 16, 2014

Christie No Better Than Obama Except President Has More Power To Ruin Him!

The Chris Christie Scandal: Fat And Furious

January 16, 2014 by  
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New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has gotten himself in a pickle. All scandals deserve high-profile names. Let’s call this one Fat and Furious.
Integrity is everything in life. I have been a leading critic of President Barack Obama here atPersonal Liberty. I think he’s a criminal. I think any politician — no matter what party he belongs to — who uses government to hurt, damage, bully, intimidate or destroy a political opponent should be fired and forced to resign or go to prison. These are crimes we cannot tolerate in a free society.
So Chris Christie is the biggest loser.
But Obama’s Fast and Furious is far worse than Christie’s Fat and Furious. Obama sold arms to Mexican drug lords that wound up killing a U.S. border agent. That is far worse than causing a traffic jam. It is criminal.
Obama’s using the Internal Revenue Service to destroy political opponents (like me) — and to change the outcome of a Presidential election — is far worse than causing a traffic jam. It is the worst criminal conspiracy in U.S. political history.
Obama’s using the National Security Agency to spy on every American — and members of the media — and perhaps to use that information to blackmail political opponents is far worse than causing a traffic jam. It is criminal.
Obama’s covering up an arms deal with radical Muslim rebels that backfired and killed four Americans in Benghazi, Libya, is far worse than causing a traffic jam. It is criminal.
Obama’s telling lies and committing fraud when he said, “If you like your health insurance, you can keep your insurance,” when Obamacare caused millions of Americans to lose their health insurance, is far worse than causing a traffic jam. It is perhaps the biggest fraud in world history. It’s certainly criminal.
Now it is reported that the Drug Enforcement Administration was involved in drug dealing from 2000 to 2012. That’s with the approval of both George W. Bush and Obama. That’s far worse than a traffic jam. Why aren’t the media holding them accountable for government-certified drug dealing by Mexican drug lords?
Yes, Obama should pay for his crimes against the American people. Because no one, including the President, is too big to jail.
But conservatives need to be consistent. We need to put ethics above party. We need to be willing to shout loudly when one of our own does something wrong. We need to be better than the hypocritical liberal media that covers up for Obama.
Christie, like Obama, is a bully. He uses the force of government to try to intimidate and damage his political opponents. He uses government to scare people into silence. He uses government for political retribution.
Oh, and let’s not forget that he’s also the jerk who double-crossed Mitt Romney, sold his buddy out and helped to re-elect Obama. As I’ve said in hundreds of media interviews since the Presidential election, “The GOP can never again trust Chris Christie. Christie stabbed Mitt Romney in the back. Once a traitor, always a traitor. He cannot be our Presidential nominee.”
I was right. The true Christie was just exposed. He’s not much different than Obama. If you cross him, or anger him, or criticize him, he’ll try to destroy your life. And he doesn’t care who gets in the way (even thousands of New Jersey voters stuck in hours of traffic, half of whom might have been Republican supporters). Fat and Furious is a small scandal, but it represents a much bigger picture.

Let’s Look At The Chris Christie Story

I’m a Tea Party libertarian-conservative Republican. Mitt Romney was not my cup of tea. (Excuse the pun.) But once I choose sides, I’m “all in.” There is no 90 percent or even 100 percent. Either you give everything you have, or don’t get involved. So I gave Romney 110 percent.
I knew the re-election of Obama would devastate the economy and kill more jobs. I knew the implementation of Obamacare would annihilate the middle class. I knew Romney was the only alternative. So I was “all in.” I gave Romney everything I had. His loss was devastating to me.
But not for Christie. He sold Romney out for ego, media spotlight and his own political future. As soon as Christie saw the opportunity to advance his own future Presidential prospects, he dumped Romney like yesterday’s news. He didn’t just stab Romney in the back and kiss Obama’s ring. He went a step further: He French-kissed Obama at the New Jersey airport.
You never betray your friends like that. Never. There would have been nothing wrong with shaking Obama’s hand at the airport and announcing: “I don’t support your policies, and I’m still supporting Romney. But when there is a natural disaster, we all come together as Americans.” That would have been fine.
But Christie became best friends forever (BFFs) with Obama that day. Christie’s over-the-top lovefest damaged Romney’s Presidential ambitions. At the time, several national polls had Romney up by 5 to 7 points. His ratings sunk like quicksand after Christie’s symbolic embrace. It’s bad enough to kiss your opponent’s ring, but Christie French-kissed Obama. Yuck. And he never again mentioned Romney’s name or his support of Romney. Do hurricanes cause amnesia? With friends like Christie, who needs enemies?
What did Christie get out of it? Was it pure ego, to prove his bipartisan credentials and win adulation from the liberal media? Yes, I think that was part of it.
Did Obama bribe Christie? Was he promised billions of dollars in government loans and Federal Emergency Management Agency hurricane-relief money if he stabbed Romney in the back? Yes, I think that was part of it.
Was it pure political payback for not being chosen as Romney’s Vice President? Yes, I think that was part of it.
Or was it pure political calculation? Did Christie realize if his buddy Romney won the election, he (Christie) would have no political future. Romney would be in for eight long years, and Christie would have nowhere to move up — and he would be long forgotten after his second term as Governor was up. My guess is all of the above.
Don’t forget this is a guy who Romney chose as the keynote speaker at the GOP convention. Christie rewarded his faith by giving an entire speech about himself. Listening to Christie’s speech that night, I wasn’t sure if it was Romney or Christie accepting the nomination.
This same Christie went out of his way to denigrate and bad-mouth the Tea Party. You know, the same group that is the very foundation of the GOP. The same group that makes up the most loyal base of support, donations, energy and excitement for the GOP. The same group that produced the greatest landslide in modern political history in 2010. Why? Once again, ego. Christie needed to flex his muscles, prove his independence and win adulation from the liberal media.
This same Christie went out of his way to denigrate Ted Cruz and Rand Paul. He not only picked a fight and called them bad names, but then he refused to kiss and make up.
Christie has kissed Obama’s ring 24/7 since the election, but he wouldn’t make peace with two Tea Party heroes of the GOP. Interesting way to gain the GOP Presidential nomination.
This same Christie badmouthed Libertarians. Not a word about liberals. He said nothing about the Marxist cabal in the White House destroying our economy. But he went out of his way to bad-mouth freedom-loving Libertarians.
You’d think Obama would love Christie. Yet first chance he got, Obama stuck the knife into Christie. First, Attorney General Eric Holder announced he was investigating whether this traffic jam scandal was criminal. Then, he announced the Justice Department is investigating Christie’s possible misuse of Superstorm Sandy relief funds. Amazing! Poor Christie. All that ring kissing, butt kissing and French kissing… and Obama still wants to ruin him.

What Are The Lessons From Fat And Furious?

First, what goes around comes around. Karma’s a b***h. Christie got what was coming to him.
Second, if the customer is always right in business, that’s doubly true in politics. Who is the GOP’s base (i.e., best customer)? The Tea Party. Any Republican who bad-mouths the Tea Party is a moron. You can disagree, but do it nicely. Show respect. If you don’t, expect to be shown the door. You just committed political suicide.
Third, stop trying to make friends with the media. The media hate all Republicans, even the “moderate” ones. When a Republican courts the media, he dances with the devil. You may think they like you. You may think you’ve charmed them. But in the end, the media will aim to destroy you for the “crime” of being a Republican.
Christie just found out what happens when the media think you’re the one guy who can beat Hillary Clinton. They turn on you like a pack of wolves.
Fourth, never trust big-government Republicans like Christie. They use the same power of government to damage people’s lives, just as Democrats like Obama do.
Fifth, never allow politicians of any party to bully or intimidate taxpayers. Whether they are ordering IRS audits or ordering traffic jams, they deserve impeachment and prison terms. They answer to voters — not the other way around. They are our servants; we aren’t their serfs.
Sixth, if you’re a Republican and you make nice with Obama (the Marxist destroying our country), you are making a pact with the devil. And the first chance he gets, he’ll double-cross you. Deals mean nothing to the devil.
As a football player, I learned a valuable lesson. I was taught that as a wide receiver, you’re going to get hit — whether you catch the ball or drop it. So you might as well catch it. The hit hurts much less after you made an important catch for your team. When it comes to Obama, he’s going to try to destroy you either way. You might as well try to destroy him, too. Because playing nice doesn’t help. He is a radical Marxist. He hates patriots. He hates Republicans. He hates businessmen. You cannot win him over. He drinks the Marxist Kool-Aid. He will never be your friend.
Lastly, stop making excuses for Republicans who believe in big government. Taxes went up under Christie. Spending went up under Christie. The size of government went up under Christie. Do you ever get the message that this is why America is so screwed up, that this is why we face economic disaster? If Republicans are no better than Democrats, who needs them?
Funny enough, I actually feel bad for Christie. His scandal was just a traffic jam, for gosh sakes. Fat and Furious is a small scandal compared to the crimes of Obama. But it’s symbolic of everything that ails America and the GOP. Christie is the biggest loser. Pun intended.
I’m Wayne Allyn Root for Personal Liberty. See you next week. Same time, same place. God bless America.

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