Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Dobbs Has It Right. Unless GOP Decides To Stop Fighting, It Will Lose Both House And Senate Which Will Spell Disaster For US!

Lou Dobbs: GOP Will Win Senate If It Ends Internal Battle

Monday, 06 Jan 2014 09:17 PM
By Cathy Burke and John Bachman
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Republicans have a "unique and historic opportunity" to win back the Senate and bolster the middle class this year — if they stop intra-party fighting and "come together around basic, fundamental national values," Fox Business Network anchor Lou Dobbs says.

"What people want to hear from leaders right now is what we're going to do in foreign policy that secures the interests of this nation . . . what the working man and woman, our middle class . . . will be empowered to do, and whether or not they're going to be treated . . . as first consumers or first citizens, first taxpayers or first citizens," the host of "Lou Dobbs Tonight" told Newsmax TV on Monday in an exclusive interview.

Dobbs, whose new book "Upheaval" will be released Tuesday, said the GOP has a clear message to take into the 2014 midterm elections.

"The Republican Party has a unique and historic opportunity to hold up the standard of the American middle class, the national interest, and free enterprise, and drive those messages to the polls in November of this year and win back the Senate," he said.

"But they've got to stop this nonsense of creating wars within this tent before they can even get the doors open."

Dobbs said party leaders have got to "step aside and acknowledge the breath of fresh air that awaits from the tea party, from the other groups that make up the conservative foundation of the Republican Party," and "come together around basic, fundamental national values and . . . understand this is a battle for survival with the Democratic Party."

Dobbs, who described himself as "an independent, for right now," said he's thinking "very, very hard" about "registering again as a Republican" before the primaries to help "energize" and create a "political force" in Washington, where "we are desperate as a nation for that force to be felt."

"We've got to have a Republican Party, if we are to be successful as a counter-balancing influence in the marketplace and society and amongst the electorate, that celebrates the individual whose self-reliance and independence make the system work and give a foundation to the middle class and the American dream," he said.

Dobbs said House Speaker John Boehner "has it in his hands to either establish the Republican Party as a powerful force that will win the midterm elections, win back the Senate, or assure that the Republican Party will be further diminished and give away control of the House."

But he also praised Republican Virginia Rep. Bob Goodlatte, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, as "intellectually and politically, the man . . . responsible for most of the most important initiatives taking place not only within the House but within the federal government," including immigration reform.

"What we need to do is solve the problem for the illegal immigrants who are here, for business, for the national interest, first and foremost," he said, asserting "the approach taken by Congressman Goodlatte . . . provides legal status, it resolves border security issues, provides a sensible, rational system within the workplace to verify status."

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