Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Drug Companies Protect Themselves From Sandy Hook Blame

Exposed: Sandy Hook Shooter’s Biggest Threat Still Lives

January 29, 2014 by  
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Exposed: Sandy Hook Shooter’s Biggest Threat Still Lives

Adam Lanza, the purported Sandy Hook school shooter, is the subject of an ongoing investigation in Connecticut. No, it’s not a police probe; it’s about “mental health.”
The investigation is all about Lanza’s medical history, what diagnoses were made, who the doctors were and what psychiatric drugs they prescribed Lanza.
The Governor of Connecticut is ultimately in charge, in order to make recommendations about improving “mental health” in the State and preventing future violent tragedies.
But the inquiry has stalled.
Despite multiple agencies apparently having possession of Lanza’s medical and psychiatric history, these reports have been held close to the vest and not released.
There are a number of reasons.
First and obviously, the psychiatric drugs didn’t make Lanza better; they made him worse. And some of those drugs, like selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), are known to cause violent behavior, including homicide.
The Assistant Attorney General of Connecticut, Patrick Kwanashie, remarked, when asked why the list of psychiatric drugs Lanza took over his lifetime wasn’t being exposed: “[Y]ou can cause a lot of people to stop taking their medications.”
Rightly or wrongly cause people to stop? Kwanishie meant wrongly, but the truth is: rightly.
Here are telling quotes from two recent Sheila Matthews articles that suggest further reasons why Lanza’s psychiatric history isn’t being revealed in detail:
  • “What is known is that Adam was treated over many years, by many mental health care practitioners, for his disorders.” Can’t expose all these doctors’ failures.
  • “Adam’s primary psychiatrist was Dr. Paul Fox who, in 2011, surrendered his license to practice medicine in Connecticut and New York, destroyed his records and moved to New Zealand.” Well, doesn’t that raise some juicy questions.
  • “The last acknowledged mental health treatment was provided by the Yale Child Studies Center when Adam was fifteen years old, abruptly ending in February of 2007. Apparently, Nancy Lanza had reported to Kathleen Koenig that there had been an adverse reaction to the psychiatric drug, Celexa, Adam had been prescribed by the Yale Center.” Celexa is an SSRI antidepressant, and as mentioned above, all the SSRIs are known to produce violent behavior in patients.
To further indict Yale (an eternal Connecticut institution of great prestige), reported:
After all, according to the State Police Report, it was Dr. Robert A. King of the Yale Child Study Center who indicated “that serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) agents such as Zoloft, Luvox, Celexa, Lexapro or Paxil, are useful in reducing these symptoms, sometimes in conjunction with a low dose of an atypical neuroleptic such as Risperidone.”
I suggest you read the work of psychiatrist Peter Breggin to discover the actual effects of these drugs: destabilization, manic states, violence, etc. Start with Breggin’s landmark book,Toxic Psychiatry.
Yet more reasons why Lanza’s true and complete psychiatric-drug history hasn’t been published thus far? Connecticut Governor Dan Malloy has, at the very least, a strong sentimental attachment to Yale, since he is a lifelong dyslexic and Yale has a center devoted to the study of dyslexia.
More importantly, to the degree that Yale could be exposed and absorb tremendous negative publicity regarding Lanza, the Governor of Connecticut wants to protect that institution. It’s part of his job description.
Then there is the little matter of the Governor’s son, Ben, being arrested on a 2009 charge of trying to steal marijuana from a man. The Governor remarks that Ben was suffering from severe depression, is in treatment now and is doing well.
Does this mean the criminal charge was vacated in favor of psychiatric treatment? Does the Governor want to risk negative exposure for a psychiatric system that saved his son from doing jail time?
But above and beyond all these reasons why Lanza’s complete and detailed psychiatric-drug history has been hidden, there is this: Connecticut is home to a collection of important pharmaceutical companies. And yes, Virginia, there is something called the domino effect. If Lanza’s meds were publicly connected to the Sandy Hook shooting, it would be bad for the overall medical-drug business. Very bad.
These drugs companies protect each other when the chips are down, because they’re all selling highly toxic drugs and that basic secret has to stay in the closet.
Here is a list of drug and medical research companies that have either corporate headquarters or significant research facilities in Connecticut: Bristol-Myers Squibb, Boehringer-Ingleheim, Rib-X Pharmaceuticals, Purdue Pharma, Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Achillion Pharmaceuticals and Pfizer.
Pfizer, of course, manufactures Zoloft (an SSRI antidepressant) and Xanax, a highly addictive drug given for anxiety and panic attacks.
Do all these corporate brethren of toxic drugs exert major influence in Connecticut State politics?
Is the pope Catholic?
Circling the wagons to prevent Lanza’s psychiatric-drug history from exposure would be on their to-do list.
Finally, all roads in Connecticut lead to Yale. The University engages in a boggling amount of medical research and teaching activity. Who pays for it? Here is a reported list of some of its corporate funding partners who engage in pharmaceutical-related business: Boehringer, Bristol-Myers, Roche, Merck, Ziopharm Oncology, Achillion, CuraGen Corp., Metrum Research Group and Orbi Med, a company that does asset management in the “global health sciences” sector and has $5 billion in assets.
A 2008 Archstone Consulting study concluded pharma companies added more than $14 billion to the Connecticut economy in that year. And Connecticut colleges and universities laid out about $600 million for bioscience research in 2008, which was 81 percent of their whole academic research-and-development pie.
Connecticut is a relatively small state. To have all these pharmaceutical titans converge on it (and especially at the State’s most famous institution, Yale) versus releasing one boy’s psychiatric-drug history (an event that could start a domino effect within the whole pharmaceutical industry), who is going to exert pressure? Who is going to play its cards? Who is going to call in favors to keep secrets?
The names Sandy Hook and Newtown, however, are now so famous that, somehow, we may see Lanza’s concealed psychiatric records emerge into the light of day.
Peter Lanza, Adam’s father, says he has his son’s medical and psychiatric records and is willing to release them to the investigating commission.
However, that doesn’t mean the public will ever see them.
Big Pharma, day in and day out, celebrates its massive proliferation of drugs for every condition under the sun, including those conditions that are invented out of whole cloth. It creates the illusion that the drugs are absolutely necessary in order to maintain health.
Admitting that this is all propaganda and further confessing that some of its drugs routinely kill people and push them over the edge into violence are not part of their program.
And when it comes to an event as explosive as Sandy Hook, accepting blame because the accused shooter was ingesting, for years, psychiatric drugs that scramble neurotransmitters and cause extremely violent behavior… that is out of the question.
The pharmaceutical illusion must be maintained.
A film in which I was interviewed, and on which I worked as associate producer, “American Addict,”  is now available at Netflix and other platforms. Breggin is interviewed, as well Barbara Starfield, M.D., the late revered public health expert who blew the whistle on medically caused deaths in her landmark study “Is US Health Really the Best in the World” (JAMA, July 26, 2000).

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