Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Forecast: Many Pols Run AWAY From ObamaCrapCare in 2014 Elections!.

Democrats Poised To Run From, Not On, Obamacare

January 21, 2014 by 
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In November Democratic National Committee chair Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz (Fla.) told CNN’s Candy Crowley that she believed many Democrats would be able to use Obamacare as an asset in securing Congressional seats during the 2014 elections. But, judging from the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee website, it looks like vulnerable Democrats in the Nation’s upper Congressional chamber are hoping to put distance between themselves and President Barack Obama’s problematic healthcare overhaul.
“I think, actually, Candy, that Democratic candidates will be able to run on ObamaCare as an advantage leading into the 2014 election,” Wasserman Schultz said last year.
She continued, explaining, “I think Obamacare, because Americans have been feeling the benefits since 2010, where young adults can stay on their parents’ insurance until they’re 26, where on January 1 if you have a preexisting condition, like I do, as you know, as a breast cancer survivor, the peace of mind … that those Americans are going to have knowing that they can never be dropped or denied coverage for that preexisting condition, the preventative care that’s available without a co-pay or a deductible, those are benefits that Americans have already been feeling and will increasingly feel as Obamacare is fully implemented.”
A report out from National Review on Tuesday, however, likely has Wasserman Schultz eating her words. The publication notes that Democrats in the House, where a power grab from the left is an unlikely prospect for 2014, are paying some lip service to Obamacare. The same can’t be said for the Senate, where Democrats face significant challenges from Republican candidates in States like Alaska, Arkansas, Louisiana, North Carolina, West Virginia, South Dakota and Montana.
From the report:
Unsurprisingly, the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee isn’t so eager to talk about Obamacare or the Affordable Care Act — at least on their home page.
The only reference to “health” on the DSCC home page right now is a John Walsh tweet that “#MT can’t afford ppl like @SteveDaines who don’t believe in a woman’s right to make her own health care decisions” and a generic “war on women” blog post that claims “We must do everything in our power to protect women’s rights and women’s health.”
The words “Affordable Care Act” and “Obamacare” do not currently appear on the home page of the DSCC web site, nor do the words “exchange” or “insurance” or any other reference to the president’s signature domestic legislation, impacting families, workers, and businesses right now.
Furthermore, some Democrats running for spots in both the House and the Senate may really be messing up Wasserman Schultz’s year by indicating that they will actively campaign against the President’s healthcare overhaul.
Last week, the Democratic political action committee House Majority PAC ran a TV spot featuring Arizona Congresswoman Ann Kirkpatrick, highlighting the lawmaker’s criticisms of Obama’s “disastrous healthcare website.”
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