Thursday, January 16, 2014

Idiotic Lawsuit Of The Year!

Coach suing 14-year-old over Little League Baseball celebration

A California Little League Baseball coach who suffered a torn Achilles tendon is suing one of his former players for throwing his helmet during a game-ending celebration, according to Sacramento's KCRA-TV (h/t Barstool Sports). The kid is 14 years old.
But that isn't stopping Alan Beck from suing the child and Little League Baseball for $500,000 in pain and suffering in addition to another $100,000 in lost wages and medical bills, per the Placer County (Calif.) Superior Court summons obtained by KCRA-TV.
"At first I thought it was joke," the boy's father, Joe Paris, told his local television news station. "Now, I think it's absurd."
Paris' son allegedly tossed his helmet while scoring the winning run in a game this past spring, and the equipment struck and tore Beck's Achilles tendon.
"He is a good guy who was volunteering his time and now he's in a wheelchair. Who's the victim here?" Beck's attorney, Gene Goldman, told KCRA. "This wasn't part of the game. To have someone throw a helmet in that manner, you just don't do that."
Except the kid's in Little League, and Little Leaguers do that. All the time. Heck, Little League's own YouTube channel shows kids throwing equipment during a celebration.
Recovery from a ruptured Achilles tendon can take six months, according to
Except, the Paris family has been forced to shell out more than $4,000 in legal fees two months before the case is even scheduled to be seen by a judge, according to the report. Joe Paris told KCRA he doesn't have homeowners insurance, which in some cases can cover the costs of such apparent frivolous litigiousness.
Your problem, not ours, says the plaintiff's camp, basically. "If they owned a home," Goldman told KCRA, "they should have had homeowner's insurance."
So, let this be a message to all you kids out there having fun: Don't.
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Ben Rohrbach is a contributor for Prep Rally on Yahoo Sports.

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