Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Life For Seniors About To Change Dramatically. Medicare Will Be Inundated With NON-SENIORS When ObamaCrapCare Collapses And All Americans Are Dumped On Medicare.

The thought of having to go to a foreign land to get your major medical care taken care of is an outlandish thought to many Americans. However, the upcoming collapse of ObamaCrapCare will force those older and more sickly of us to seek alternative care outside the US.  

When, not if, ObamaCrapCare finally collapses under its own weight, the President (and Congress) will face a "pre-determined" decision of what to do with all these Americans who are losing their care.  Since they already know what the solution is, it will be an easy maneuver.  We all will be dumped on Medicare or some other national health plan.

By the way, this has been the whole intent of the Obama Administration from the beginning. It is the reason the website works so poorly, why the insurance companies are not being reimbursed, and why a "single payer" system will be heralded as the savior of health care in the US. 

We all know that a single payer will mean cuts in care to those who are old (they have lived their life) or too sick to recover from their illness.  Boards, panels and experts will evaluate the "most effective use of government healthcare dollars" and either allow or deny care based on your statistics. (If the closure of automobile company dealerships is any indication, if you vote Republican or give to Republican causes, your chance of care decreases exponentially.)

So what choice do you have when the response is "no" to your request for a heart bypass or other life challenging operation? You will look elsewhere and medical tourism will be the answer.  

For those of you who have never heard the term, medical tourism, it means going out of the country for operations and medical treatment. In many of these places you go to a hospital that looks like a luxury hotel, have the operation there and recover there. Usually the cost is significantly less than what you would pay in the US.  The downside is that you are paying the entire bill,  however, if you can't get the operation here, do you have a choice?

Right now, Thailand and India are options, however, we are sure that after the demise of ObamaCrapCare, there will be many others. Entrepreneurs always exploit an opportunity!

So start saving your gold and silver (dollars probably will be worthless) so that when you need to go abroad, you will have the ability to pay for the trip. 

Conservative Tom

Medical Tourism

January 29, 2014 by  
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Medical Tourism

Medical care in the U.S. for seniors appears to be in jeopardy and soon not even available at all for ages 75 and above. Even now, qualification for Medicare for any age may be means-tested. I believe that it may become illegal in the U.S. to hire private physician care outside of Medicare.
Medical care in the U.S. was already collapsing fast, and now Obamacare seems certain to absolutely destroy what’s left. Therefore, this might be the time to educate yourself on medical tourism, especially if you are 75 or older.
Medical care in foreign countries appears to be better in many places than in the U.S. with much lower cost. Of course, I am fully aware that U.S. citizens are addicted to “free” medical care after retirement age. But “free” medical care in the U.S. is not that good.
To begin your search, go to Google and type in “medical tourism.” There is a lot of information available. Already, more than 1 million U.S. citizens are medical tourists.
I have spent some time reading about medical tourism in Thailand, which appears to be one of the preferred destinations for medical treatment for many Americans. Of course, there are many countries that are very receptive to medical tourism. The cost is considerably less than in the U.S. — many times, less than 50 percent.
There will most of the time be no wait. Surgeons are among the best in the world, adhering to international standards with first-class facilities.
There is a wide range of treatments available with private recovery if you desire. I have learned that the medical tourist establishments are eager to correspond with great confidentiality and offer low-cost, longer patient stays for recovery.
Contact around the world in our day with email and Vonage phone service is affordable to everyone. Vonage phone service is very good and getting better, costing a minimum of about $30 a month for calls worldwide.
Those of you who have gold and silver coins, they are good money anywhere in the world. And after the next run-up rally, these coins will be very valuable compared to paper money.

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