Friday, January 3, 2014

Nutty Professor--Minorities Are Not Responsible For Their Actions, They Were Caused By White People!

Constitutional Law Professor Offers Glimpse Into Progressive Mind-Set: White People Are The Problem

January 3, 2014 by  
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Constitutional Law Professor Offers Glimpse Into Progressive Mind-Set: White People Are The Problem

The progressive formula is easy: Minorities must always be considered victims and all of the Nation’s problems are caused by white, often Southern, radical conservatives.
An essay written late last month by Gloria J. Browne-Marshall, a Constitutional law professor at John Jay College in New York, is littered with examples of the flawed logic progressives often employ to lay blame for the left’s political failings on white conservatives. It also provides a sound study into the methods progressives use to absolve minorities of even the most grotesque actions; because, in the progressive view, many crimes committed by minorities are the simple result of hundreds of years of oppression by whites.
Browne-Marshall’s essay, “2013: A Year of Racial Challenges,” plays apologist to African-American former police officer turned murderer Christopher Dorner, mourns the loss of Trayvon Martin whose untimely death is blamed by the professor on Stand Your Ground laws and racism, laments the lack of gun control which she blames for the killing of Chicago teenager Hadiya Pendleton and the children at Sandy Hook Elementary school, and blames “southern White radicals” for President Barack Obama’s disastrous Obamacare rollout.
Dorner’s outburst, Brown contends early in her essay, resulted from years of bullying by whites.
“Dorner claimed the abundance of racism he experienced on his job, and at all-White schools he attended, drove him to kill. Dorner allegedly took his own life when trapped by police,” she writes. “Some called Dorner insane others said a modern-day Nat Turner, referring to the leader of a Virginia slave rebellion in 1831. However, the possibility racism was a core issue in this case was disregarded.”
The professor goes on to suggest that Martin died because Zimmerman, a “White Latino,”was terrified at the sight of a young black man.
“Fear of Trayvon Martin, 17, an unarmed African-American teenager led George Zimmerman, 28, a White Latino, to walk free of murder charges. Zimmerman pled self-defense in the shooting death of Martin last year on a rainy night in a Florida subdivision,” the essay says. “An all-female jury believed him. Protesters used Trayvon Martin’s hooded sweatshirt and Skittles candy as symbols of racial injustice.”
In the first three paragraphs of her work (which, it should be noted, certainly does not exhibit the flow of content one might expect from a learned professor), Brown makes clear whom she blames for the Nation’s ills.
“In January, President Barack Obama began his second term. However, southern White radicals vowed to stop implementation of the Obama-care law leading one to wonder if Tea Party members would oppose affordable healthcare if it came from a nonBlack President.
“It was 150 years ago that Abraham Lincoln’s military order, the Emancipation Proclamation, ended slavery in those same rebellious southern States. Then, as the fight for freedom continued race-based criminal laws replaced slave laws.”
In conclusion, the Constitutional law professor seemingly believes that black people who go on shooting rampages do so because white people are racist, Stand Your Ground laws are some sort of sinister racial cleansing tool designed to give white people the power to shoot blacks, America needs more gun control and, poor design and dishonesty notwithstanding, Obama’s healthcare rollout was a disaster because white Americans hate having a black President.
She ends her work thusly, “This year ended with two events of note. The first was the passing of Nelson Mandela — World Leader, President, Political Prisoner, Freedom Fighter, Lawyer. The second one was a membership drive for the Elkton branch of the Ku Klux Klan.
“Both events remind a discouraged Black community that the price of freedom is vigilance.”

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