Wednesday, January 22, 2014

ObamaCrapCare Fails All Website Security Tests While Congress Merrily Goes Down The Road. Rome Is Burning And Congress and Obama Are Fiddling!!

Dying Man Gasps “I Hate Obamacare” as His Last Words

It’s official: Obamacare is burying America.
Thousands of people who once had health insurance are now uninsured. In fact, Obamacare has canceled more healthcare policies than it has written.
Meanwhile, job creation is way down, and the only new jobs out there are mostly part-time and low wage. Ask any business leader, “why?” and they’ll point to Obamacare. reports that, “In January 2009, the number of ‘officially unemployed’ workers plus the number of Americans ‘not in the labor force’ was sitting at a grand total of 92.6 million. Today, that number has risen to 102.2 million. That means that the number of working age Americans that are not working has grown by close to 10 million since Barack Obama first took office.”
On top of that, security experts have concluded that is a hacker’s dream. If you want to suffer identity theft, a good plan is to enter all your personal information on the government’s Obamacare website.
But don’t worry… Capitol Hill’s brightest minds are on the case!
Just ask New York Senator Chuck Schumer, who told “Meet the Press” last month, “The president is working to fix it; we’re working in the Senate to fix it; we urge our Republican colleagues to join us in fixing it.”
Or are they? According to a report in The Weekly Standard, “Plans to fix Obamacare haven’t even been discussed at weekly Democratic Senate caucus meetings.”
They’ve “never talked about it in the caucus,” said Senator Pat Leahy.
Well, it’s pretty difficult to fix something if you don’t talk about how to fix it!
The problems keep getting worse each day, but our leaders in Washington – who have conveniently exempted themselves or, in the case of Congress, given themselves special subsidies – ignore the problems and hope they’ll go away. I guess it’s easy to look the other way when you’re immune to the trauma.
Who Needs Security?
Yet the recent revelation from security expert Kevin Mitnick regarding’s security flaws is even more damaging.
Before becoming a legitimate professional, Mitnick was once known as “Condor,” one of America’s most dreaded hackers and the most-wanted cyber criminal in America. He actually spent five years in prison, including 4.5 years before he even received a trial!
Amazingly, Mitnick also endured eight months in solitary confinement because U.S. government officials convinced a judge that Mitnick could “start a nuclear war by whistling into a payphone.”
But today Mitnick runs his own firm, Mitnick Security Consulting, which helps companies assess their security protocols.
After analyzing the website, Mitnick concluded that, “It’s shameful [that] the team that built the site implemented minimal, if any, security best practices to mitigate the significant risk of a system compromise.”
In a letter to the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology, Mitnick wrote, “After reading the documents provided by David Kennedy that detailed numerous security vulnerabilities associated with the website, it’s clear that the management team did not consider security as a priority.”
David Kennedy, the CEO and Founder of TrustedSec LLC, backed up those comments when he testified before the committee.
Kennedy calls himself a “white hat hacker,” or someone who hacks to fix security issues. Amazingly, Kennedy believes that the website “may have already been hacked.”
But in spite of its myriad problems, Obamacare stumbles forward.
Republicans, under the leadership of John Boehner and Paul Ryan, continue to pour taxpayer dollars into this Frankenstein program. In fact, it’s Paul Ryan’s own $1.1-trillion Congressional 2014 fiscal budget that’s keeping Obamacare alive.
If ever there was an example of fiddling while Rome burns, we’re watching it. Such is the fate of being ruled by leaders who could care less about real people.
Your eyes on the Hill,
Floyd Brown

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