Monday, January 27, 2014

Piers Morgan Not Happy About Gun Rights Bill Being Named After Him! Gun Haters Can't Find The Humor!

State Senator Names Pro-Gun Law After Gun Grabber

January 27, 2014 by  
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State Senator Names Pro-Gun Law After Gun Grabber

British CNN talking head Piers Morgan has made his hatred of the 2nd Amendment very evident by endlessly using his television program to advocate for stricter gun control laws. Thanks to one Oklahoma lawmaker, Morgan could get a State gun law named after him. But unfortunately for the bloviating Brit, the law is designed to make it easier for residents to exercise their 2nd Amendment rights.
Oklahoma State Senator Nathan Dahm is currently seeing support for his “Piers Morgan Constitutional Right to Keep and Bear Arms Without Infringement Act.”
If passed, Dahm’s legislation would allow citizens in Oklahoma who are over the age 18 carry loaded or unloaded guns without a license for hunting and target shooting. The law would also guarantees the right to carry for military or law enforcement functions, for practice or performance for entertainment purposes, or for lawful self-defense purposes.
“The Second Amendment says the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed, and yet when we require our citizens to jump through hoops, pay fees and undergo a process that presumes they’re guilty of something until proven otherwise, their rights are being infringed upon,” Dahm said in a statement about the bill.  “Senate Bill 1473 simply says Oklahomans can carry firearms in all the places currently allowed by law, but they will no longer be required to obtain a license to do so.”
The bill does not affect gun-free zones at schools or other government buildings, KOKH-TVreports.
Morgan, upon learning about the bill named in his honor, expressed disbelief and invited Dahm to appear on his show for a debate about gun control.

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