Monday, January 27, 2014

Democrats Becoming Comfortable Hinting That ObamaCrapCare Isn't Working. Their Words Belie Their Real Intentions.

We love what Jim Moran said in the following piece. It was:

".... he doesn’t see a way for Obamacare to succeed if it continues to rely on human nature and market forces to meet its enrollment goals."

In other words, the Representative is saying that to make this albatross work, we must demand that ALL Americans purchase insurance, there can be no "fines" if one decides not to purchase, and there must be universal coverage. The only way that the Representative's goals can be met is through a single payer system where everyone is part of the plan. No escape for the "millennials", they MUST be part of the system.

Additionally when he refers to "market forces" he is talking about the insurance companies. You see these pesky independent companies have bolloxed up the entire system. If government ran the program it would be so much better.

So for the first time in American history, we want to deny Americans choice, demand they be part of a system and eliminate an entire industry that has functioned very well over the past 70+ years. (Anyone who disagrees with that assessment should look at the ObamaCrapCare site which cost us nearly $1 billion and still does not work seamlessly.

We will have a single payer. We have been saying that it will happen after the elections by Congressional action (if the Democrats control both the House and Senate) or by Presidential Directive (Edict) if Republicans control one or both of the Congress.

The Congressman confirms our beliefs.

Conservative Tom

Retiring House Democrat Jim Moran Wakes Up; Admits Obamacare Is Underwater

January 27, 2014 by 
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Congressman Jim Moran (D-Va.), who’s not seeking a 13th term in office after his current term ends, told American University’s radio station Friday he doesn’t see a way for Obamacare to succeed if it continues to rely on human nature and market forces to meet its enrollment goals.
Moran candidly expressed concern that young people in the so-called “millennial generation” demographic will never voluntarily enroll for overpriced health care coverage as long as there remains no financial incentive to do so. Without an abundant enrollment of healthy, self-paying customers, there’s no way for insurers to benefit financially under Obamacare unless the government simply devises a way to bail them out.
“I’m afraid that the millennials, if you will, are less likely to sign up. I think they feel more independent, I think they feel a little more invulnerable than prior generations,” said Moran. “But I don’t think we’re going to get enough young people signing up to make this bill work as it was intended to financially.
“And, frankly, there’s some legitimacy to their concern because the government spends about $7 for the elderly for every $1 it spends on the young…I just don’t know how we’re going to do it frankly. If we had a solution I’d be telling the president right now.”

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