Thursday, January 30, 2014

Why Does Obama Continue To NOT Enforce Laws? Why Does He Flaunt The Laws Passed By Congress?

Obama, Dems Invite Illegal Aliens As Honored Guests For State Of The Union Address

January 29, 2014 by  
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President Barack Obama and a number of Congressional Democrats included illegal immigrants among their invited guests during last night’s State of the Union address. If the mental image that conjures doesn’t embody the President’s own concept of the rule of law, nothing does.
Obama’s guest was Cristian Avila, who has avoided deportation thanks to the President’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) “memorandum” enacted via a Department of Homeland Security directive in 2012. DACA temporarily defers the deportation of illegal aliens who entered the U.S. as children if they meet certain criteria.
Avila may be a great human being whose life story is very complicated. At some point, he may become a citizen either through an amnesty Act or through existing legal avenues. But for every second he and other illegals were in the Capitol on Tuesday, they tacitly served as pawns in Obama’s symbolic defiance of Federal law inside the very chamber where the rule of law was once enshrined.
It didn’t sit well with Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials already furious with Obama for tying their hands and cutting off lines of communication on border security.
“According to news accounts, the President has once again invited illegal immigrants to the State of the Union — and yet the President still refuses to meet with ICE officers. We have a President who will provide those illegally in the U.S. with the seat of honor at one of the most important events of the year, but ICE officers who serve under him are unwelcome in the White House,” said ICE officer Chris Crane.
“ICE officers are forced every day to release violent offenders back into the streets; we are prohibited from enforcing immigration violations and document fraud and from cracking down on illegal employment; we are prohibited from enforcing public charge law to protect taxpayers; and we are forced to catch-and-release illegal aliens who are not ‘priorities’ even when officers believe there is a threat to public safety.”

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