Wednesday, January 22, 2014

With Nothing Else To Say, Obama Resorts To Race.

Realizing Failure, Obama’s Primary Concern Becomes His Blackness

January 21, 2014 by 
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Realizing Failure, Obama’s Primary Concern Becomes His Blackness

In a recent interview President Barack Obama said that race plays a major role in his approval rating among American voters, claiming that some voters hate everything he does because he’s black while others tend to give him the “benefit of the doubt” for the same reason.
Obama’s pointed comments about his race and the Presidency appeared on The New Yorker‘s website over the weekend.
“There’s no doubt that there’s some folks who just really dislike me because they don’t like the idea of a black president,” Obama said. “Now, the flip side of it is there are some black folks and maybe some white folks who really like me and give me the benefit of the doubt precisely because I’m a black president.”
A recent Gallup Poll rates Obama’s approval rating at 39 percent, with 53 percent of American voters outright disproving of the President’s handling of his job.
The New Yorker interview marks the most public instance in which Obama has sincerely attributed a large part of the 53 percent disapproval of his handling of the Presidency to whites not liking a black man in the Nation’s highest position of power.
Right after the publication of Obama’s remarks, race-baiter extraordinaire Al Sharpton curiously joined the cast of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” on Monday to talk about how the President has implored race-baiters throughout the Nation to avoid blaming the President’s low approval on his skin color.
Meanwhile, Republican National Committee spokesman Sean Spicer told Bloomberg that it is ridiculous for the President to list race as a factor in America’s growing distaste for his leadership style.
“Poll after poll makes it very clear that Obamacare and other job-killing policies are the reason,” Spicer said.
Spicer is on to something that Sharpton’s remarks help to clarify: Obama is well aware of the damage that the National Security Agency Scandal, the Benghazi attacks, the Internal Revenue Service’s targeting of conservatives, Obama’s spying on journalists and general lack of transparency, and the disastrous rollout of his signature healthcare program has caused to his legacy. The President also recognizes that Americans as a whole are more aware of the political shell game of promising reforms than ever before.
In other words, the President no longer has a way to put a shine on his corrupt administration with words alone. And he is either unwilling or too ineffectual to offer substantial reforms that could change the way Americans will view the Obama years.
So, the President has but one option. He must begin drilling into our heads and posturing for the history books a message that for the remaining years will be simple: I tried. But America still wasn’t ready to make it easy for a black man to succeed.

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