Wednesday, February 26, 2014

2014 Will Be The Year Of The Manufactured Crisis To Distract Americans From The Real Issue--Obama. But Don't Worry Dems Will Win Both Houses And The 22nd Amendment Will Be Ignored Allowing The Dictator A Third Term.

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From an in-depth must read article by David Kupelian
Managing Editor of World Net Daily
January 2014
…While health care has dominated center stage, other Obama-era scandals litter the D.C. political landscape like wreckage from a 50-car pile-up.
According to top retired generals and other senior officers, the current commander in chief is waging a war of sorts against the U.S. military. The attack is playing out on multiple battle fronts, including the firing of close to 200 senior officers during Obama’s first five years in office — nine generals in 2013 alone. Some retired generals are openly calling it a “purge.” Add to that the promotion of open homosexuality, women in front-line combat, suicidal rules of engagement, unwinnable counterinsurgency strategies and, to top it off, increasing official antipathy toward God and Christianity, and you have a military in serious crisis. All manufactured in Washington – by Democrats.
There’s much more: America under Obama has no coherent foreign policy, resulting in this nation’s precipitous loss of power, influence and respect worldwide. Likewise, our national economy is being so abused by government borrowing and ill-considered Federal Reserve monetary intervention that the world is close to abandoning the dollar as its reserve currency — a huge loss to America with grave, if yet unseen, ramifications. And of course, many government agencies are drowning in their own Obama-era scandals — from the Justice Department to the Internal Revenue Service to the National Security Agency to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.
The good news is that the great illusion is evaporating. Nobody gets a “thrill up their leg” anymore when Obama speaks (except Chris Matthews). Few Obama “true believers” remain. Mistrust is high. Just as in “The Emperor’s New Clothes,” America’s would-be monarch is now widely seen as he really is — a charismatic but immature, narcissistic and shockingly deceitful far-left agitator who somehow ended up in the White House.
The next play?
… To rule like a dictator from his White House inner sanctum, and to succeed in moving the progressive agenda continually forward, one more thing is necessary: Obama needs crises. Otherwise, the spell of deception tends to break and too many people wake up and complain … and vote.
Therefore, 2014 could be called “the year of manufactured crises.”
The No. 1 crisis of the year, at least for now, is Obamacare, which after all is essentially a huge, completely manufactured national disaster. … Obamacare, which was packaged and gift-wrapped as the solution to the flaws in America’s health-care system, is actually a crisis-causing “transition” stage between free-market health care and a socialist state.
David Kupelian is managing editor of WorldNetDaily and editor of WND’s Whistleblower magazine
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