Friday, February 14, 2014

Congress Gets In The Way Of Obama, So Is Going To Go Around Them And That's A Promise! More Unilateral Actions On Their Way!

The areas of importance he emphasized:

"...Obama and the Democrats are increasingly emphasizing their economic agenda – not only a universal minimum wage hike but other policies like unemployment benefits, retirement security and comprehensive immigration reform, which they say will help the working classes do better in an economic recovery where a large bulk of the gains have gone to the wealthy."

We understand many of the things about which he was talking except  "retirement security."  We do not understand that comment, however, our fear is that it means that everyone will be guaranteed a retirement--whatever that could be interpreted.  Does it mean that the government will give you a mid-six figure retirement? Does it mean that Social Security will be increased? Or does it mean that anyone with over $500,000 (an arbitrary number) in IRAs, 401 (K)s or 403 (b)s would have to turn them over to the government? Or does it mean rolling over your retirement vehicles into Social Security, regardless of the amount you have in the accounts? 

Heck, everyone wants a retirement but is it the job of the government to provide it for you or should you have been thinking about that throughout your working years? Hasn't the government given you enough opportunities (IRA, Roth IRA, 401(k), 403(b), 457, Simple Plans, Pension Plans to name just a few)  to put money away both pre and post tax? 

Many will respond that most people have not been able to save because they needed that new TV, big house, new car or cell phone.  Sometimes people are the grasshopper (who doesn't save anything during the summer and dies in the cold) and sometimes they are the ant who puts away food for the winter all during the summer and lives. We need to teach people to be ants!

The last question we should be asking is--how is this going to be paid for? Yes, we know that is negative thing to be considering when people just want to retire and get something from the government!  However, don't you think in the time of $17 trillion dollar (declared) debt we should be considering how we will pay for it?

We fear we will find out very soon what Obama means by "retirement security" and how he plans to accomplish it. We believe it will entail significantly more government spending, be means tested and leave less to individual decision making. In other words, it will be take more control over our lives. That is the Obama way.

Hold on the next three years are going to be a remarkably depressing ride.

Conservative Tom

Obama promises more executive action

CAMBRIDGE, Md. – President Obama vowed Friday to do everything in his power to help the middle class – with or without Congress.
Speaking to House Democrats attending their annual issues conference on Maryland's Eastern Shore, the president doubled down on his State of the Union promise to use his executive authority at every turn to advance policies benefiting working people.
"The single most important thing we have to do, not just as a party, but as a country, is make sure that there is opportunity for every single person, that we are focused every single day … making sure that if you are willing to work hard and take responsibility that you can get ahead," Obama told his fellow Democrats.
"I want to work with Congress to make that happen. But, I'm not going to wait, because there's too much to do. And America does not believe in standing still," the president said.
Obama highlighted several steps he's taken already on that front, including a recent executive order to hike the minimum wage for government contractors.
"These aren't teenagers," Obama said, pushing back against a common criticism of the minimum wage hike. "These are folks who are looking after families and trying to raise kids."
The remarks came as leaders in both political parties are settling into campaign mode ahead of this year's mid-term elections. As part of that transition, Obama and the Democrats are increasingly emphasizing their economic agenda – not only a universal minimum wage hike but other policies like unemployment benefits, retirement security and comprehensive immigration reform, which they say will help the working classes do better in an economic recovery where a large bulk of the gains have gone to the wealthy.
Obama was quick to concede there are limitations to his executive powers, though. 
"Across the board, we're moving," Obama said. "But … we can get a whole lot more done if we've got Congress working with us."
He urged Congress to enact an immigration bill, calling it "a top priority." The president acknowledged the political thicket that surrounds that issue, particularly for Republicans, but asked lawmakers to transcend their political concerns and focus on the practical effects of such reform. 
"I believe, frankly, that there are folks on the other side of the aisle who genuinely want to see this done. But they're worried and they're scared about the political blowback," Obama said.
"Look, everybody here is an elected official and we can all appreciate the maneuverings that take place, particularly in an election year," he added. "But when it comes to immigration reform, we have to remind ourselves that there are people behind the statistics."

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