Monday, February 10, 2014

Drone Strikes In The News--Another American In The Crosshairs

Administration weighs drone strike against American citizen

The Obama administration is considering lethal force against an American citizen overseas who has allegedly been working with al Qaeda, U.S. officials have told The Associated Press.
In order for the U.S. to launch a drone strike, the Justice Department must first build a case against the man, the AP reports.
Two officials told the AP the man, who is not being identified, has been responsible for coordinating attacks against Americans overseas, and he continues to plan more. 
Under President Obama’s stricter drone policy, the CIA wouldn’t be able to launch the attack because the man is a U.S. citizen. The Defense Department is the only U.S. agency that can sign off on such drone strikes.
One source said the military is unsure whether the man is dangerous enough to kill.
According to multiple officials, the suspected terrorist lives in a country that won’t allow U.S. military action on its soil.
The AP agreed not to identify the name of the country where the man is believed to be, because officials said doing so could interfere with counterterrorism operations. 
The report comes just days after The Washington Post reported the administration has sharply reduced drone strikes in Pakistan.
One senior official, however, rejected the report’s claim that the administration changed its drone strategy to help peace negotiations that country.

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