Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Even Liberals Are Seeing Obama As A Poor Leader

Oliver Stone: Obama is a Weak and Spineless Man

Image: Oliver Stone: Obama is a Weak and Spineless Man
Monday, 17 Feb 2014 04:19 PM
By Melanie Batley
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Hollywood filmmaker Oliver Stone says President Barack Obama is a "weak man" who has abandoned the principles he espoused on the campaign trail about civil liberties and foreign policy.

"The man stunned us with a lack of spine," Stone told an audience of libertarian students at the 2014 Students for Liberty Conference in Washington, D.C., Mediaite reports. 

"He's a weak man," he added, referring to what he says has been an inconsistency between Obama's "anti-war" talk during his presidential campaign and the policies he has pursued since occupying the White House.

Stone was joined during a panel discussion by liberal journalist Jeremy Scahill, who blasted MSNBC for failing to hold the president to account for "overreach" on issues such as targeted assassinations, covert operations, and military interventions.

"MSNBC is like watching one big Obama for America meet-up," Scahill said, adding that Fox News is guilty of perpetrating "conspiracy theory" about the president.

Stone issued similar critiques of Obama's record in a documentary series he released in 2012 entitled "The Untold History of the United States."

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