Monday, February 3, 2014

If Bridgegate Involves Christie, After All The Denials, He Will Be Cooked!

Christie repeats: 'I had nothing to do with this'

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) again denied Monday night having any involvement with authorizing the George Washington Bridge lane closures, but admitted the traffic problems could have been mentioned to him in passing at the time.
“I had nothing to do with this. I’m so disappointed that this has happened. But I’m so determined to get to the bottom of it, and to fix it once and for all if I haven’t fixed it already by the actions I’ve already taken, and to move on to do the job the people of New Jersey elected me to do,” Christie said on NJ1015’s “Ask the Governor” live show. 
Christie said someone may have mentioned the traffic in Fort Lee, N.J. during the lane closures last September, but added “It wouldn't have been meaningful to me." 
”Things could have been mentioned to me about traffic,” Christie admitted, but when asked why he didn’t investigate it, he then said, “I didn’t know about traffic.” 
The governor’s comments come just a few days after the letter claimed “evidence exists” that Christie knew of the lane closures at the time that they were imposed.
Another staffer within the Christie administration also resigned over the weekend, reportedly because she had been directly involved with the scheme of political retaliation.
On the radio show Monday, Christie said he had “no knowledge, no planning, no authorization, nothing to do with this before this decision was made to close these lanes by the Port Authority.” 
The governor confirmed the U.S. Attorney’s office has subpoenaed his administration’s office, and said he would comply with the request for documents in the investigation. 
As for the investigation by the state legislature, Bridget Anne Kelly--Christie's former deputy chief of staff--said she would invoke the fifth amendment and won’t turn over documents, according to the Newark Star-Ledger. Christie fired Kelly in early January for orchestrating the scandal. He also broke ties with Bill Stepien, his former campaign manager.
Nothing has surfaced that makes Christie believe one of his staffers is still lying, he said on the radio show. If that changes and any current employee is implicated, “They will be fired,” he added. 
Christie said he has told investigators: “Be thorough, be efficient…but get me the story.”

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